Thursday, October 30, 2008


Here is a picture of Hollie at last years Grand Daffodil Parade. They performed well in Apple Blossom they placed second of all the schools there. This year Hollie's winter band concert will be on December 4th, at Columbia Junior High (7pm). Lauren will play in her first band concert on December 16th at Columbia Junior High (7pm).

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Just having fun!

We took the girls out for ice cream after a play date in my car. Hollie is at the top of the pyramid, Lauren to the right, and Anna (a soccer friend) on the left.

Friends, Drinks, and Fun with Chicken Joe

Robbie,Thom, and I went to see Chicken Joe and the Fabulous Cocks at the Muckleshoot yesterday. The lead singer is one of my co-workers husband. I originally saw them perform at the swiss when I worked at US Bank (a long time ago). The band covers hit songs from the last few decades. The highlights of the evening was DeeDee getting hit on by the loser in the white belt, Thom dancing before the beer (he did better after), and laughing. The girls not featured Hollie was at Alexa's birthday and Lauren was rocking the karaoke at Natalie's house. You can check out the band at

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Maria's 30th

Maria (Top pic far right) is a friend from Mary Bridge who I admire a great deal. These pictures were taken at her 30th birthday party. The party was fabulous, I drank way too much. Most embarrassing moment was trying to dance like we were back in the 80's. Thom did not get in any of the pictures that I have seen so far. Thanks to Robbi and Clay for taking the kids.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hollie Update

Here is a picture of Hollie with one of her favorite friends! Hollie got a report card today with all A's and B's. German is by far her most difficult class. Thom is helping her but the last German class he had was dare I say 18yrs ago. (Wow we are getting old) She is loving band and video class. Doing exceedingly well in History which has the most difficult teacher in the school. We are so very proud of how hard she is working.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Lauren's Soccer Game Oct. 11th

We were on the road for this last game to beautiful Vashon! Picture of team on the Vashon Ferry. All the girls were slow to get into the game but by the second half Lauren turned on the speed and was instrumental in keeping the ball in the offensive zone. Ultimately we tied the game so they have now won three and tied twice. They have not lost yet! Next Game is at 1:30 pm here!