Hollie's 15th friend birthday! We started at our house where they got to write down their ideas for pranks. We went out to have pizza at Roundtable and then to Laserquest. The girls were singing songs all the way home. Highlights of the night for us was the random question and answers. Example.... What questions would you ask your parents if they had to tell the truth? Arielle had the best answer, " Where do you hide my Christmas presents." Kate was hilarious every answer that applied she would say," To save the Earth." Twice she said, "to save the polar bears." Then once in response to what animal would you be,"Polar Bear." Hollie enjoyed being surrounded by such good friends.
Welcome to all our cherished family and friends who we are blessed to shared our lives with!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Our 13th year at the Macy's Parade Hollie now 15 and Lauren 11 ! It rained lightly throughout the parade. They did add new floats and different groups this year! We took the girls to get Santa pics afterwards which they didn't fight us on at all. I told them that they could stand behind Santa however when they got up there Santa challenged them. He said " Are you to old to see Santa?" It was obvious he was in character. Afterwards we went to the CrabPot on the waterfront and to the Olde Curiosity Shoppe.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Maddy and Amelia's Birthday
Hollie and Katherine together since birth
The girls together a rare event! They are no longer joined at the hip and are very different at this time. Like most little girl friendships as soon as they became older they developed different interests. Katherine is very into fashion and her future goals. Hollie is into Japanese Anime and lives in the now. I have to say that when I saw this picture though it just melts my heart. I do love seeing them together. It was just 12 yrs ago Aimie and I were sitting in the Milton house talking about what they would be like when they grew up. It happened so fast.
We are in the playoffs
Lauren's team is now 2nd in their division and are headed to the playoffs Saturday 22nd of November! The team she played this last Saturday was brutal. The very first play only 60seconds into the game Lauren was pushed in the back hard enough she fell to the ground. She of course being the tough girl she is got up, mad and took the ball on the next play. This team was not skilled just a lot of elbows and open hand slapping. Lauren did get called for pushing after she had been pushed several times she had enough and took the girl to the ground. She was upset because #1 she got called and hates being in the wrong ,2nd the other team got a free penalty kick. Our girls won the game 3-0. We have a wonderful coach and hope to win the playoffs next!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
They Won !
Another Child had cut in line (Hollie had already c/o how many little kids would not wait their turn), Hollie politely reminded this child that they had already had a turn. The parents of that child said that they hadn't been in this line. So Hollie then informed them that they needed to then wait their turn and pointed to the back of the line. She is such a rule follower and a good citizen.
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