Wednesday, November 24, 2010

November 2010

O.k. so even though I was all excited that I found the charger to the camera the computer that I knew how to upload too is out of order. :( So pictures will have to wait a little while longer.

Hollie ~ I think all of her friends were born this month??? She has been a busy little bee with her friends, she is writing more and more, she will be getting a new queen sized bed as we are preparing for the eventual transition to adulthood! Starting to buy items that should carry her through her 20's... I can not believe how old she is, it seems like yesterday she was running around with the white sheer over her head, I can picture her tight curls as if it was yesterday.

Lauren ~ Well she has been fighting a sinus infection, I swear this child is now 13yrs old still will not blow her nose, will not do saline rinses, and will not cough up the croup junk in her airway. I do not know what to do with her! Her soccer team played in the presidents cup tournament and took second in thier district, we really should have had a shot at state. I think the teams moto will be 1 goal for every 30 attempts on goal. No one can figure out how to break this cycle. 

Thom~ doing well in school, suffered an injury during work to his wrist. On temp leave for two weeks seeing ortho end of Nov.

Leah ~ Completed orientation to new job, back to working 3 12 hour shifts a week, should give me a lot more time off. Still pregnant had the 20 week ultra sound and blood work all negative. We are not finding out the sex, started filling out the baby book. Got very teary when I was looking back over all the things I wrote about the girls.

Baby ~ Moves a lot according to the literature should only  be awake 6 hours of the day but I think this one is awake 12hrs, Thom has felt the baby move, Robbi, and I think that is it. Girls have not felt baby move yet. The joke is that baby will either be a swimmer or a hockey player. It loves to move from side to side off my hips.