Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hollie's 17th Birthday

Thom and I took Hollie and her friends to Harry Potter Exhibit at the Science center. Several of Hollie's friends had never been to the science center so they did all the usual exhibits as well.

 Butterfly house, which Hollie hates. I am unsure why she does not like butterflies or birds in general. She must get this from Nana who also shares this fear.
We also got the girls tickets to see the newest Harry Potter film in the IMAX theater at Seattle Science Center. The line started outside which Thom and I sat out there and then the girls joined us the last ten minutes, then we waited inside for about an hour. Here they are camped out in line.

 Finally in the movie theater!
 Hollie Alexa and her sister with friends gathered around singing Happy Birthday! Then all the girls but Katy stayed the night.
Here is a fantastic shot of Hollie at the family birthday on Sunday. Hollie and her friends stayed up until 0600 am on Sunday morning so I pretty much just let her sleep all day. The family party included Nana opa, papa, uncle chris amelia (aunt missa was working at the hospital), Aime Jon and kids, ron scott and michelle walker, Aunt Cheryl (Uncle dave was sick)

It was a wonderful but expensive weekend and Hollie really had a great time.

Macy's Day after Thanksgiving Parade

The parade this year was better than ever! This year they did not film it or at least not in the usual spot so the parade moved fast! Here are pictures of the girls in line waiting for Santa pictures. Unfortunately Maddy was sick and could not join us :(

The girls were not excited about still having to take Santa pictures they feel they are too old. The poor boy waiting line behind us was home from college and his mom was making him do Santa pics! 

Random Pictures

Thom and Theo (my friend Aimie's oldest son) enjoying desert. He has the most handsome little haircut.

 Augie about to crawl (Aimie's youngest son)
                                     Snow storm 2010 we got about three to four inches total, kids out of school for three days and then right into Thanksgiving break.                                 
Lauren and her friend Mikki playing in the snow the first night, Hollie went over to Kelsies and Lilly's house to enjoy the weather. I had no problem with driving in the storm but the idiots sharing the road caused such back ups that a normal 20min drive turned into an hour and a half. Thom had to help push other peoples cars, such a good samaritan.

My Niece's birthday's

So I have three special little girls that were all born either Nov 13th or Nov 14th, busy two days!

 Miss Maddy turned 15 years old. She is attending Stadium HS and is quite the socialite!
Amelia is now seven years old, she is into Harry Potter and is going to school at St. Vicent De Paul
Georgia is now 4 years old she is really into animals and sleeps with a rubber snake. 


Lauren at her fall piano recital 2010

My friend Kris got tickets to "New Day" it is a local morning show and she took some of the soccer girls. This show featured Mack Strong Seahawks, an actress from House wives of Orange county, and a four course meal from the doggie dinner (not suitable for humans)!

Back to School 2010

Hollie 16 years old about to start her Junior year!

Lauren 13yrs old about to start 8th grade!

Issaquah Tournament Summer 2010

The Roadrunners finish first in the tournament! Lauren kicked a goal just over the goalie's head it was perfect. She played midfield for most of the games.