The entire family! We all went out for dinner one night I believe the reservation was for 30? Kids did well for such a big group. Then afterwards everyone went back to Cousin Melissa's place for dessert. Cousin Melissa works as a Nurse in Chelan's only Hospital. Uncle Dudley is Gregs brother. He was a detective for years, worked on some high profile cases. Now he and his wife travel the country in thier RV.

Uncle Chris and Nathan |
My Neice Maddy doing her homework for AP English |
Hollie at dinner |
Greg and Dudley (Brothers) Aunt Marylin |
Patrick (my brother) Hana his girlfriend and Mom |
The three amigas! Hollie Maddie and Lauren |
Thom and I |
Amelia and Anna |
Cousin Melissa and her family Uncle Sean Aunt Missa and Uncle Chris |
Hollie and Amelia |
Opa and Nathan |