Monday, March 11, 2013

Lag in posts

This winter has been an adjustment! I have struggled with how much all the kids have needed me, still? I don't know why I thought teenagers needed less of you.

Hollie is growing up-slowly :) I will say they all grow at there own rate of speed and I trust that God has a plan for what each of my children need. Hollie and I have been working on how to study at the college level. We have had some butting head moments :( I am hoping for more in the future as she needs to begin to become more independent. We have tried really hard to find a job. Interviewed several places and just have not been able to replace the taco bell job. About a month ago we decided to wait until summer break to find a job. She got her drivers license and has been driving!

Lauren has had difficulty with her anxiety and her need to try and be perfect. She got a bad grade at the end of her first sophomore semester. This threw her for a loop. Lots of butting heads when it comes to studying. She is having a hard time realizing that she can not just do the homework and get "A's" she does need to study. She truly is loving her soccer. She does not like her medical explores because she doesn't know anyone in the group -again anxiety. Uggh! She did try out for the School musical but was not selected-there were a lot of kids trying out. She was getting pressure during tryouts from the track coach who wanted her to run the 100 m. Then she also was offered the boys soccer team manager position. I gave her the pro's and cons for both and she decided to run the 100m. :) Now if she would just buckle down and study more often!

Nathan is growing so fast. He is such a little boy now, which of course I am so happy for him. New highlights since last September? wow too many but will try to recall. He can recite the entire alphabet and now he leads and I repeat him. He can identify five letters with their sounds. He can count to ten. He loves to use spray bottles with paint. Loves running, will count to 3 and then run around the kitchen island. Loves to animate objects. The constant reading of books has slowed down. He likes to clean along with me. We did the floors and he used a rag right next to me. He puts the silverware away accurately. He likes putting on boots to go puddle jumping. We started little kickers soccer. My goal was to have him around kids his own age. Our trial class was with 3 and 4 yr olds. He loved it, it was a hard but then we went to the two year old class. He wanted to score goals and run with the ball but in 2 yr class there was a lot of singing along and follow the leader. Which would have been great but the classes on both sides of us where doing what he loved. He can hit a ball with a hockey stick accurately. He has a great throwing arm. He has developed a love for carbs -my fault. He likes to pick out his own clothes and will often say no. Temper tantrums have started.

Typical day on my day off:

0600 wake up get my self ready
0700 Nate wakes
we make pancakes together Nate can recall the sequence of each step:)
we do a few chores and dad comes home
1000 Hollie wakes usually.
Nate and I will try to sneak off and go to the children's museum while dad sleeps
Nate and I eat lunch and he goes down for a nap
Hollie and I work on homework for 2 hrs
Pick up Lauren from Track
start dinner
Thom helps Lauren with home work
eat dinner play with Nate and get ready for bed
Nate goes down for bed-he is so easy to put down I rock him for about 5 mins we sing our songs one from summer magic and the other is from beaches then he says the abc's or we sing head and shoulders. Then he points to the crib and I lay him down with his blanket he calls buba.
Then Lauren wants to snuggle and Thom goes to bed.
Thom feels he never gets to see me, which we do not get that much time. Hard when two years ago we could go to the bar and meet up with friends when ever we want.