Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hollie Golf Banquet 2009

Hollie had her Golf Banquet on June 4th the same night as Lauren's Band Concert. I attended the Golf Banquet at The Old Country Buffet ( I don't care for). Hollie was so thrilled she sat with the whole team and socialized. The coaches got up and spoke about each player. When it came to Hollie they smirked and told us a story. They started it off talking about how Hollie will always come ready, she gets right to it. They described her as one of the guys, she grabs a bucket of balls and takes out her driver and just hits. She can drive it consistently 150 yards however they spoke about how they had to start her in the fourth position. The fourth position is for players who usually double par. The coaches said they always got questioned by the other H.S. coaches when they saw Hollie drive that first ball straight and down the fairway. The reassured them that she was properly placed. See Hollie can drive the ball as she does love that driver. She does not spend any time practicing with her irons or putting. They think she will be one of the better players by Junior year if she works on something besides her driver.

1 comment:

Aimie Hunter said...

Good job, Hollie! All of those lessons and practicing is really paying off. I used to play as a kid but haven't in 25 years (or so). Maybe you could give me some pointers?