Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hanging Out

Hollie 17yrs old, Nathan 6 wks, Dad (too old)
 Hollie not sure what to make of Nathan's cries?
 Nathan's feet against Dad's thumb
 Hollie loves to talk to Nate and is very sweet with him.
The awards banquet!

 Lauren said that the coaches had a great time handing out awards. Lauren recieved four ribbons pictured above. She was called for the first ribbon and then the coach would wait until she sat down and then called her back up. They repeated this for all four ribbons.
My proud baby! 

Lauren at Conference

I think Lauren loves the social aspect of track most of all. This is her prior to competing in four events. Not stressed, not over practicing.

 From left to right Lauren, Nate, Travis, Ali
Lauren about to take off in the 4x100 relay.  
 Lauren at the 4 x 400
She was tired at the end of the day and was very hungry.

Lauren Track Pre Conference

Lauren had to pre-qualify for her 100 meter track event. Just dad and I went out to support her.

 She qualified and will be competing in 4 events on Thursday!
So proud! She practices with her team after school but does not practice at home must be nice to be naturally athletic. My concern is that when it comes to HS she may have to practice on top of school practice? She is pretty awesome though. 

Sophia Visits Nate

Sophia (Derrick and Jen's daughter) here is 15mos and Hollie 17yrs.
 Sophia has the cutest personality, she is very similar to Derrick but cuter! She walks into a room and takes it over, she will go to any one. Bringing to them what she is interested in and sits down on their lap to learn how to play with it. (as pictured above)
So here is a picture of Thom and Sophia. Sophia does not miss an opportunity. Thom brought out chips and salsa sat down and sophia was right there. We let her taste the salsa that she dipped her chip in, she loved it? ! After that she and Thom ate chips and salsa till they were full. We can't wait for Nate to grow so they can play together. 

Nate's Dislikes

Nate hates his stroller, swing, carseat at first but better now. He breaks out into this tearful cry when dad yawns loudly. He doesn't like his bottle and gets over whelmed when playing with toys.

I am 7 weeks old!

Nathan is 7 weeks old, and growing well!

Nate has been eating well normal sleep is 6hrs wake up feed go right back to sleep for 3-4 hrs. Waking up about 6:30 am and then back down for morning nap at 9 am after which we have no routine until bedtime. He loves his baths with dad and will float,kick his feet, and talk. He will intentionally hit his toy and this week has learned to open his hand to "try" to grab his toys. He discovered his hands this week and loves to suck on both of them and then look at what he is sucking on. He smiles melt my heart and twice this week we were almost to giggles. We read two books every morning and like to look at his teddy bear. 

We are now in 3-6mos clothing and on the home scale we are now 14lbs. Love having him in our lives.