Thursday, June 2, 2011

I am 7 weeks old!

Nathan is 7 weeks old, and growing well!

Nate has been eating well normal sleep is 6hrs wake up feed go right back to sleep for 3-4 hrs. Waking up about 6:30 am and then back down for morning nap at 9 am after which we have no routine until bedtime. He loves his baths with dad and will float,kick his feet, and talk. He will intentionally hit his toy and this week has learned to open his hand to "try" to grab his toys. He discovered his hands this week and loves to suck on both of them and then look at what he is sucking on. He smiles melt my heart and twice this week we were almost to giggles. We read two books every morning and like to look at his teddy bear. 

We are now in 3-6mos clothing and on the home scale we are now 14lbs. Love having him in our lives. 

1 comment:

Aimie Hunter said...

What a gorgeous boy and what a blessing! I miss him terribly and hate that we feel we are so far away. Keep the pictures coming!