Saturday, August 31, 2013

Meeting Jacob!

Jacob my grand nephew! Yes Grand Aunt Leah at 38 yrs old ! Joanne and Cynthia drove out so I could meet Jacob who is four months old and quite the well fed baby! I do believe Cynthia produces buttermilk !
Any pic I got with Nate was blurry ! 

Lauren really liked him. He was a very easy going baby. Loved to chew on his hands and loves belly time. He is very dark featured with a cute smile ! 

Here's the best part Nate was interactive with him. Normally we say Nate dislikes small children but prolly more accurate to say new walkers that grab in to him for balance or any one that can invade his personal space. Nate showed interest in baby Jacob and talked about him through out the day after he left. 

Unable to get a pic head up ! 

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