Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Eve Eve

2nd Christmas Eve Eve with Aimie and family. Theme this year was Red and our family was in charge of side dishes. Aimie did appetizer and Main dish, Brian had desert. 

A look at Nates world

I picked up my phone to blog and found these pictures plus several blurry ones.

My guess is his cars are very important to him and worth getting a picture of

Great friends

I got to fill in for Kate when she couldn't attend the Macklemore concert with Aimie and Jon!

My best friend, My life long friend! Macklemore referred to a friend during the concert as the producer in his life= It was how I would describe what Aimie means to me

Christmas 2013

Christmas morning I had a gracious co worker offer to work my first 4 hrs so I could be with kids and Thom:)
Here they are before we started opening gifts. Nate saw the tree full of gifts and said Santa came but was cautious in approaching them or sitting for pic by them. He opened Hollies gift first- she bought him two die cast cars from the movie cars. Then he was more interested in gifts... But did not become over eager until Nanas when he walked in and saw all the gifts! He bugged everyone for 20 mins asking daddy open gifts? Repeatedly 

Hollie got a book from Lauren 

Nate interested in a gift 

Lauren fakely smiling as I her mother gave her a chemistry book :) which I have seen her read since 

My girls taking a pic of Thom and I but Nate joined in 

My work family who made christmas special when I couldn't be at home 

Lauren reading Nate one of his new books at Nana - I missed getting to see the varney side of family

The only hard part of my christmas was sitting alone in a very quiet cafeteria wishing I could be with the family! 

Christmas Eve 2013

Thom and I both worked Christmas Eve. The girls got to watch Nate and take him to church with the family. They showed him the NORAD tracker to see where Santa was. My mom came to get them and they went to church. Amelia was singing in the Choir and had a solo. After christmas when I asked what was the best part of the holiday Hollie said seeing Amelia sing was her favorite part. Lauren said hearing the people laugh behind them at church when Nate said loudly time to go home sissy!
Girls at St Vincent church with their brother 

Nana and kids waiting for church to start - looks like Lauren gave Nate her phone 

Yes we have a bad thumb sucking problem 

The kids went to Melissa's post service and had dinner there with dad and uncle pat. I came after work and picked them up, we got home about 9pm and got everyone in bed, Santa came at 0400 :) 

This is a day or two before Nates Nanny Talia brought over a gift :) plastic food for his kitchen 

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Festival of trees volunteer

Second year volunteering at festival. From readers left Yo, julie, myself and veronica are all co workers and friends at Mary bridge. We consider ourselves family . 

Veronica I have worked with for almost 10 years

The group for gala modeling:) our mission to drive bids higher and raise money for the hospital! 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


To celebrate Nanas bday we went over and decorated her home for Christmas. I made dinner for everyone and they played an intense round of trivia pursuit. Here are the boys - after i discovered Everyone was giving Nate unlimited cookies and cake I gave Rhodes an entire piece of his own  

2013 Gala

My second year volunteering at Gala for festival of trees. This is Marybridges largest fundraiser. The trees are beautiful and I love seeing everyone all dressed up. I received several compliments on my dress and Veronica's necklace. 

We were on our feet over 4 hrs- assisted directly with sales. Veronica and I went table to table selling hand blown glass ornament with Marybridge logo. 

My co workers that were gracious enough to volunteer on this adventure :) they did the runway modeling. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Nate 2.5 years old

Little man has so many expressive faces I think I might try to catch them all on camera :) here we are at bath time 

Here is the one eye brow... He started doing this prior to a year old. Sissy Lauren and dad are able to do it but Hollie and I can not. Picture with Nana 

Goofy kid face 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Christmas 2013

My desire for Xmas this year was not to give so much stuff but to enjoy the season and start some traditions. We have planned for a Santa Train ride, zoo lights, Santa pictures, cutting down the tree, Christmas books, music and going up to Auntie Aimies spending time at Nanas , decorating tree together, baking cookies together, and finding homes that are well decorated. 


I love my career could not ask for a better field to work in. I work with very talented and unique people. I am reminded to be greatful for my families health and to enjoy little moments in our lives. I am thankful for the trust strangers have in me and pray that my eyes are always observant, that I express words that help, and for my actions to be guided. 

Nate and mom

Nate and I at pizza while Sissy Lauren is at cheer practice.

Dot and Ziggy

Nates first play was at children's theater. This play was interactive we sat on mats very few props. Nathan was quick to join in and followed all that was going on. He loved Dot the most here is her picture and after the play chose a dot finger puppet over Ziggy. Dad was very glad he came and we both enjoyed this experience. 

Hollie is 20 years old

My oldest turned 20 :) I started my journey of becoming an adult with her. She is a very giving person, kind, and loving. She does not put any value in adorning herself or her environment. She does invest a lot of time in fan fiction and anime. Hollie is working hard at college got a job this year :) I am very proud that she was trusted to watch someone's house and dog for 8 days who neither of us know. They got her name from Nicole :) Alexa Donely is her best friend - no boyfriends to report. We are so blessed to have her in our life :) I pray that God will continue to put good people in her life to guide and enjoy this journey with her !