Sunday, June 22, 2014

Day 2

Everyone awake at 0800 in room. Real fast with dad arriving at 0930 and out the doer we went:) 

Started at Ca Adventure cars ride doing the tractor ride first which is like a scrambler. Nate did great on his first ride no anxiety. We took him on the rocket swing which was way off the ground and swings outward, he did great. Nates favorite ride was the 4-D toy story video game where you shoot targets. He insisted we go in it twice back to back. Lauren's favorite part of today was her and I on autotopia, she was making creeper faces whole I was getting a pic . Hollie drove her own car and Nate drive Thom- enjoying every minute. 
We at are cars land for lunch so Nate could watch the race cars. Dinner was at goofys kitchen buffet style way over priced. We did more rides and then at 5 I took Nate to a quiet place where a river runs by big thunder rock and told him to take a nap - he rolled on his side and fell asleep for 2 hrs. During this time Thom and girls would go on a ride and then I would get the parent swap pass and go on the ride with the girls. Thom spoiled  Nate and they built a custom car it is blue dodge viper . We went back to Disney for  Fantasmic. Nate loved this. Hollie said she can't think of one thing she liked the most it was just all fun. Thom and I got about a 20 min time for just us while kids watched Nate. Hollie and Lauren ended up pink on their shoulders- no other sunburn injuries . Spent at least another 300.00 today! Dear lord 

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