Monday, March 16, 2015


My sweet Hollie

You are my first love. I thought I knew love but the purity of loving you and wanting to give you all I could offer was over whelming. I enjoyed your sweet disposition. You were very trusting and have always loved everyone. You are a hard worker and are very resilient. My hope for you is to be happy and engaged in life. To find friendships and try new things. It could be playing a new sport or trying rock climbing. I want you to set your standards high when it comes to love. If you find a partner that will put your needs above there own and that you laugh with often then please marry them :) Be happy and take care of yourself. Invest in your appearance you are so valued and I want you to stand out. You deserve to be noticed. You have a lot to contribute, God placed you here for a purpose. I love you with all that I am. I credit you for my success in  this life. You gave me a purpose and direction in that I really wanted to be the best other for you. I know there is much I wish I had down differently. Never doubt that I love you. That you have a purpose and will bring many people joy. 

Our song: brahm's lullaby

My dearest Lauren

The very first day I held you I teared up. I was so in love with you. As a little girl you were very independent around us but would stick close when you were in a new situation. I would describe you as cautious and never worried that you would just run off. You make me laugh with your quick wit even though sometimes I shouldn't have. I love being able to hold you after school or at spontaneous moments.  My hope for  your is to be happy. Ask questions and get help when needed. You are capable of so much do not sell yourself short. Be patient to find love do not race into it. Don't seek validation from anyone other than yourself. You are beautiful and smart. Find a career that will make you happy and let you live independently. You have my heart. I can close my eyes and feel you lying in my lap having a great conversation while I play with your hair. I am so blessed to be your mother. 

Our song: over the Rainbow

My very special littlet Nathan

I am so in love with you. It was different than with your sisters in that dad and I had been together so long and I had time to develop a deep love for your dad when you were born. Then you came and you look so much like him. Your personality is similar to your dad and sissy lauren. You make me laugh with your Hubba hubba eye brow lift that is impeccably timed. You are so sweet and always picky flowers for me at the park. I am so invested in loving you and wanting you to be the very best version of who you will become. You have been such a blessing and I am so great full to be your mother. My hope is for you to be happy, be a great partner to someone as special as you are, and to love what ever you choose as a career.

Our song : Baby mine

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