Sunday, January 11, 2009


Thom and I waited all day Monday for the sale of the house to record! At 4pm we got the call to come and get the keys! The keys were well presented tied onto a box of chocolate with a Red Ribbon. The plan was to load the rental truck and take it to the new house in the morning. It took the family and I three hard days of packing, it felt as though the accumulation of stuff would never end. Thank you to all of our wonderful friends who after work came over to help load the truck. Aimie's step father Steve Bonnie her mom, Chris (my brother), Brad (friend), Stacy(friend), Riley(stacy kid), Clay (friend). Hopefully I didn't forget anyone. It was a crazy night and it was a blur. They had the truck packed with every box in under a half hour. We took the load and everyone to see the house unpacked and went for a second load. We spent that night at the new house in big thanks to Steve who insisted he stay to set up the beds.

The next day we got an early start another wonderful round of friends came down to help us move. My mom greg melissa amelia stacy arielle riley karen kelly hailey kris olivia kenzie steve (again) later in the day Clay, Brad again after work. I am sure I am missing a bunch of people. The new house started to be unpacked the old house I had friends cleaning bathrooms kids wiping down walls. It was crazy how much help we had considering that it was a weekday. Thanks to all our friends and family who had to work and had offered to help when we thought it would be a weekend move. Thanks to all my coworkers who found a way to get me off the schedule.
Wednesday we completed the move and finally relaxed above pictured Greg Thom Brian Clay and the back of Robbie's head. Below Stacy and the kids Arielle Alexa Hollie and Sage.

We are in the new house, we are so thankful for our Family who made this possible and friends who put up with me primarily.

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