Sunday, January 11, 2009


Wednesday at 5pm Jan 7th a policeman knocked on the door and asked Thom to evacuate the house. I was at work but figured out that something was up with my home when in under ten minutes I received about eleven phone calls apparently the news announced our development by name was being evacuated. I had one patient left and no one to relieve me. I called Thom as soon as I could and he said that at this point it was a voluntary evac. so he got the kids and the pets to my moms. I met them their and then Thom and I went back to the house to move furniture up stairs. The police and individuals monitoring the river were not letting anyone close enough to see how high the water was. They told us that the only way we would flood is if the dam up river needs to let water out to prevent the dam from breaking. The dam had already had to release water twice and was likely to do this again. The water behind our house was still one to two feet from the backyard. It turns out the beavers who created the nice lake behind ourhouse, where a walking trail should have been, saved our butts. Their dam prevented the river from overflowing into our area. Loving those little Beavers now!

These pics are the next day the rains stopped and the river had dropped but this is what the Puyallup river looked like! Thank you again to My mom who put us up at her house on short notice and all our friends who offered for us to stay with them or just called to make sure we were all o.k. even days after.

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