Sunday, March 29, 2009

Lauren's Soccer Games

Lauren played both games sick, she has had a cold for the last week but insisted on playing. The first game first half she looked really good. She managed to move the ball with ease and swiftly to her forwards. She even made a good midfield attempt on goal. The second half you could tell that she was out of energy. She willingly would come out, just not like her. It was a good passing game, they were ahead 3-2 at half, final score was tied 4-4. The other team got lucky:(

The second game against the Goal Girls was played with skill, a nice change. Last week when we played against them it was more of a hockey match. The girls worked hard however it was their second game and they appeared tired.

Marching Band Jr Daffodil Parade

The girls wet, cold, and smiling after marching in the Jr. Daffodil Parade. It was down pouring the entire time, not one kid wore the clear poncho. Being the wonderful parents we went to breakfast on the parade line only jumping into the crowd at the last minute. We should get points for going, I didn't see many parents there.
Hard to see on this pic but Lauren is the one looking back at us. It was hard to find her in the sea of blue middle schoolers. This is her first event in Marching band and the teacher scattered the flutes through out the group. Shocking we found her because she was the tallest girl.
Hollie very easy to find, bright red hair helps. We could hear her band coming from quite a ways away, they have been together for awhile. They play loud, clear, and beautifully. As soon as we saw both girls we took off to pick them up and to get warm.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hollies Golf Game March 26th

Hollie had a good golf game today, she was so happy. This game was out in Spanaway at the Classic Golf Club, 90% of the holes were par 4/5's. Hollie shot a 74 for 9 holes and said she scored higher than most of the guys. She and her teammates on the bus ride home were comparing scores and enjoying each other. I am sooo happy that she feels like she belongs to this group.

Friday, March 20, 2009

My Top 20

My Friend asked everyone what there Top 20 Things to Try would be? Heres mine......
  1. Dance ( start back with Ballet, hip hop, tap, ballroom)
  2. Piano, over the last five years I have wanted to be able to play.
  3. Back Pack in the Pacific NW, right now I am in love with Lake Mowich
  4. Take the Girls to My favorite Musicals
  5. Run 13 miles, inspired by the Biggest Loser
  6. Speak Spanish and Russian
  7. Drive coastal hwy in my BMW Convertible
  8. Learn to make Quilts, I have had this Christmas fabric for about six years.
  9. Travel to Hawaii, France, Italy, Greece, and Washington D.C.
  10. Play Soccer with a beginner team
  11. Participate in the Courage Classic
  12. Get my Masters Degree
  13. Have another baby? ( Thom and I keep going back and forth on this)
  14. Travel Nursing after the kids leave first stop to live in New York for six months
  15. Go to a third world country to help out building or nursing
  16. Get the house together, paint, drapes, and yard
  17. Go to a Superbowl
  18. Enjoy the kids, I love watching them make their decisions about life
  19. Get a massage
  20. Enjoy each quality of my friends and family

Lauren's Big News

Lauren made the SLMS Marching band! They had to learn the music and tryout for a position. This is above her regular classes. So now both girls will be Marching at the end of this month in the Jr. Daffodil Parade. We are very proud!

Hollie's First Golf Game

It can be tough to play golf in the Pacific Northwest, yet Hollie continued to smile throughout her first golf game with her school team. The biggest lesson we learned was that it is important to wear proper golf shoes. Poor Hollie slipped down the side of the first green and was muddy for the entire 9 holes. But she still had fun with her team. On the 4th hole, she almost hit a birdie. Well, actually it was a duck on the green. The whole game lasted over 3 hours, when it should've taken less than 2. So the coach of Hollie's team taught the girls an important lesson, be ready to play your ball immediately. Next game, I'm sure that we will be better prepared for the weather.

First boy "stuff"

Hollie has been talking about a boy named Brian for a few months now. She can not ask him out since he has dated another friend of hers in the past. However there is another boy who has asked her out once before but this last Monday she turned the table. She and a friend Kelsy decided to get Dillan to ask her to the dance. They sat next to him at school and started talking about how Hollie would love to go to the dance with someone. Well he asked her to the after school dance Friday March 20th. Unfortunately it did not work out he had an "F" in a class so his parents said no to the dance. Hollie went anyways but said it was not fun. Secretly I wouldn't mind if she waited a little longer to date. I think she is too precious and it would take a special, special boy to win my approval.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Open House Party

We loved having you all for the house warming party. I really enjoyed sharing funny stories and getting to hear your ideas for the backyard and the difficult round window in the bathroom. My favorite idea was a round fish tank for the round bathroom window. Thank you for all coming over, for your excitement, and for your support during this whole home buying process.

Breaking in Karens House

Yeah, after a long drawn out process my friend Karen got the keys (at 1530 on 3-13-09) to her new unbelievable house. This house has a huge kitchen, a elegant office, a theater room, and a view to die for with multi level deck! We sat around in the living room drinking wine and enjoying good friends.

Grandpa Rizzo

Missing my grandpa terribly today. I would give anything to have him back healthy. I would love to lay my head against his arm at breakfast and smell his aftershave/coffee as we watch the news. I would love to hear one more tasteless joke or play one more round of cards.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Lauren Band Concert

Lauren had her Winter band concert last night, they only performed one piece. Apparently most the class was not ready on the second song. This teacher is a perfectionist and Lauren swears that she knew her part. (Lauren plays the flute in case you don't remember). She has the option to play with the marching band if she learns the part but still hasn't mastered it. So she will not be marching this year. Highlight of the night was watching Lauren dance on the side where they had the group standing before they performed. She is a classic Class Clown.

Academy Awards Party 2009

Thom (pictured above) after my mom's Academy Awards Party. Thom won first place for guessing who would win each category. The party was fun we were the youngest couple there, mostly my mom's friends from the club. Highlight of the party had to be Thom getting slapped for being a Liberal by a Republican! I have several great pictures, I won't list them all you will just have to see them when you can. Thom and I will be hosting the Awards party next year since he won. My mom has a great set of friends that will mingle well with our group.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hollie's Winter Band Concert

Hollie on Tuesday March 3rd had a band concert where she of course played her trumpet. They played the Korean Folk Song and High Water Mark. The High Water Mark was her favorite because the trumpets had a longer sequence in a row. I think she would like Jazz band but she has to try out/practice more since there are a lot of great trumpets in that band. Not to mention she does not want to get up for zero hour.

Laurens Soccer Game

Lauren's soccer team took on the Revolution in Playoffs this last week in indoor soccer. It was a passing game with multiple shots on goal. The Roadrunners were the first team to score and then each side scored a goal after that. They tied the score in the last two minutes and then the Revolution scored again to win the game. Lauren had some break aways and mostly played as a midfielder in the game. Next game is this Saturday the 7th of March at 9p.m.

Hollie is on the Highschool Golf Team

Hollie started golf this week! She is one of three ninth graders participating on the high school team. They practice every day after school from 2:30p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Dad drives her to the practice and I pick her up every day. The first day her coaches said that she has a beautiful swing. I am so proud of her it isn't easy to join a team from another school. She loves it so far we will have to see after everyday practices.

Hollie's First Formal Dance and Dinner

Hollie went to her first Formal Dance and Dinner at the Church. Space holder more to come when she writes the descript for me.

Grandma Verta Passes

Grandma Verta passed away on February 9th 2009, surrounded by her family. At the funeralseveral people got up to talk about her passion for Texas (her home state) and her weight loss group. They also remembered funny things she did like getting herself into laughing fits and her romance novels. Hollie got to be reintroduced to family members she does not otherwise get to see. Our prayers go out to all, Hollie has done o.k. given the multiple funerals this year. She has a solid faith in God and that life does not end when the body dies. Really she is a pretty impressive kid. Her biggest concern was Grandpa Ron pictured above, as she does not want him to be sad.