Friday, March 6, 2009

Lauren Band Concert

Lauren had her Winter band concert last night, they only performed one piece. Apparently most the class was not ready on the second song. This teacher is a perfectionist and Lauren swears that she knew her part. (Lauren plays the flute in case you don't remember). She has the option to play with the marching band if she learns the part but still hasn't mastered it. So she will not be marching this year. Highlight of the night was watching Lauren dance on the side where they had the group standing before they performed. She is a classic Class Clown.

1 comment:

Dana said...

It was so great to see you the other day Leah! :) Kelly really enjoyed knowing that you are doing well. Did you know you both have a daughter Lauren?? :) Funny huh?

Anyway, hope to chat with you again soon.
