Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Weekend

Hollie had a great time at the FHS football game. Mckailey, Kyle, and Hollie would talk in between music performances. They were wet from the rain, cold, and not into the game. I got Hollie home and warmed her up.

Lauren's first soccer game was during a downpour of rain, on a field of water with a splash of mud. Lauren was not into the game she was cold and a player on the other team got into her head. Our team won 1-0 and it was a great lesson for Lauren on mental toughness which is a huge part of the game.

Game two tonight! We lost 0-1 we did file a formal complaint
with the tournament referee as the team we are playing is in last place in our league and conveniently they forgot their players cards. They did have a two ringers that are not on the team during league play who had some fantastic foot work. Our girls made several attempts on goal but did not score:( We did hold them to only one point. It was great to get the girls against the advanced players.

1 comment:

Aimie Hunter said...

We need some pictures, please.