Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hollie a look through the years!

Her Birth Announcement
wt. 5lbs 10 oz
19.5 inches long
Born at 11:25
Name : Hollie Darlene (Darlene is her Great Grandmas name)
Her First Room

She was so small, we had to keep the house at 90 degrees for the first few weeks of her life. She was able to wear preemie outfits but had the head of an 7lb baby. I was a nervous mom and so I wouldn't let anyone hold her for the first month beside my mom. She is just about a month old in this picture.
Hollie needed to feed every two hours, she had significant colic, and constipation. I remember one night she cried unconsolably from midnight until 6am.
She made the cutest baby faces esp. when she stretched and squished her face all up.

Hollie the toddler years

Hollie and my best friends daughter who is about 8weeks younger than Hollie. The girls are just under a year. Hollie was a little behind and is learning to sit here.
Hollie and Katherine at 18mos they played really well together at this age. Hollie loved Kate and Kate loved to be into everything.

Hollie age five....

Hollie age 3 1/2 just learned to wink.....

Hollie School Age

Hollie 6 years old she had just completed a school performance in french.
Hollie 6 Lauren 2 1/2 at Pacific Science Center in the butterfly house. Hollie would hold and comfort Lauren who really did not like the butterfly house.

Hollie's first day of school at Spring Valley Montessori.... I wish we could have kept her in this school but financially it was not possible. She learned basic french and the teacher to student ratio was 10:1. Hollie extra activities were soccer and dance. Hollie was too nice for soccer she would give the ball to the other team if the girl was sad.

Hollie's first day of first grade she transferred to the Fife Milton School district. This class room was a first/second grade combo. She spent two years with Ms. Williams.

Easter 2002

Hollie The later Years

2003 Hollie in Lake Chelan with Opa and the rest of the family. Lake Chelan is one of our families favorite vacations.
Hollies 11th birthday at Round table pizza! She is so beautiful how did I get such a wonderful, giving, and selfless child.
Hollie 13 years old she had to wear head gear this year.
Hollie 12 -13 yrs old loves playing basket ball and softball (still does). She played softball for about three years and about the same for basket ball. She is a great teammate who is always positive and supportive to the other players.

Hollie 14years old and her sister Lauren at Christmas

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hollie's Family 16th Birthday Party

Hollie and Papa
Hollie Aunt Missa and Maddy (cousin) Amelia and Uncle Chris there but not in picture.
Aunt Cheryl Hollie and Uncle Dave
Grandpa R0n and Hollie
Aunt Michelle and Hollie

Hollie's Family 16th Birthday Party

My beautiful baby girl who is no longer a baby!

We had all the family over for Hollie's 16th birthday. The Evans, Walker's, Wagner, Varney, Harrington's and Peterson families all sat down for dinner in the celebration of Hollie!
Dad prepared Hollie's favorites Turkey pot pie from scratch, scallop potatoes, salad, and I of course thinking we would not have enough ordered pizza. Mom was sick on the day of the party but it all went well.
Hollie and her sister Lauren at dinner.

Thanksgiving Parade 2009

Every year we go to the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade together as a family. Thom and Chris are angels and they head up with all the chairs to set up at 0615, yes in the morning!
So when we arrive at 0830 we have great seats........Starting at the far end Patrick, Michelle, Melissa, Nana, and Amelia. This is the first year Grandma Rizzo joined us. The kids enjoyed having her around for Thanksgiving.

My girls enjoying breakfast on the run! Once the parade starts we all cheer and clap, Amelia is primary entertainment. They have the usual group and the same floats every year. This year one of the highlights was the foam fire hydrant walker fell over and needed help getting up.

I always love the finale with Santa arriving! Then we all race in to get Santa pictures I went early to stand in line. It took us only 30 minutes and we all met up for lunch at Olive Garden.