Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hollie The later Years

2003 Hollie in Lake Chelan with Opa and the rest of the family. Lake Chelan is one of our families favorite vacations.
Hollies 11th birthday at Round table pizza! She is so beautiful how did I get such a wonderful, giving, and selfless child.
Hollie 13 years old she had to wear head gear this year.
Hollie 12 -13 yrs old loves playing basket ball and softball (still does). She played softball for about three years and about the same for basket ball. She is a great teammate who is always positive and supportive to the other players.

Hollie 14years old and her sister Lauren at Christmas

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what a beautiful way to show how much Hollie has changed over the years! We really enjoyed learning about the years before we knew you guys ~