Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hollie a look through the years!

Her Birth Announcement
wt. 5lbs 10 oz
19.5 inches long
Born at 11:25
Name : Hollie Darlene (Darlene is her Great Grandmas name)
Her First Room

She was so small, we had to keep the house at 90 degrees for the first few weeks of her life. She was able to wear preemie outfits but had the head of an 7lb baby. I was a nervous mom and so I wouldn't let anyone hold her for the first month beside my mom. She is just about a month old in this picture.
Hollie needed to feed every two hours, she had significant colic, and constipation. I remember one night she cried unconsolably from midnight until 6am.
She made the cutest baby faces esp. when she stretched and squished her face all up.

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