Monday, March 15, 2010

Back on Track?????

O.k. so life has been a little crazy! I have not been updating the blog like I should be..... soooo sorry. Highlights of January we celebrated Thom and Katherines birthday! Katherine's 16th kind of took priority and with my busy schedule Thom's birthday was greatly down played....I will be making that up to him next year. We did have a get together at the local pub and then at my mom's for brunch. Any suggestions for next years birthday appreciated! I am thinking big like a weekend away.
We had Aimie, Jon, and the kids over for a couple weekends in Jan. and Feb as they were trying to sell their house before the baby arrived. It was a lot of fun, Thom and Jon are happy little co-conspirator's! Aimie and I are two peas in a pod, the kids it was so nice to have all the kids here. I forgot how much I love little kid bath time, baking, and coloring. Kate has grown so much and we were able to get her and Aimie out alone a few times. We could all live together for a long time if we needed too.... but we don't :( so sad for Aimie and I!

We went to Jon's poker party at the end of January. He hosted it at his friends brewery, about 27-29 people tournament style. Thom took third place and I took fourth.

February: Hollie had multiple pep band performances since Fife went to district! Lauren made second string for the school soccer team! Lauren attended a three day birthday party for two of her school friends up in the mountains. The parents had rented a cabin to play in the snow, it had a game room, hot tub, and much more. Lauren had a great time.

We hosted a huge Superbowl party. It was the best one yet! We did one dollar bets on stupid things like how long the national anthem would be drawn out and who would have the first turnover. We presented the trophy to Clay for winning this years fantasy football season. Thom accidentally had his name spelled wrong....? Teasing it was an accident.

We went to the Pierce county awards assembly for all the girls soccer teams in our district. Laurens team took first place in their division. Apparently the week before was the boys awards assembly and they made a mistake. So we had three boys teams there and all the girls were shouting out at them and making little side comments. It was pretty funny.

Thom and I became social members at the country club. This will allow us to use the outdoor pool all summer, rent the banquet rooms if we need, and attend all the social activities. Hollie and Lauren will be enrolled for the swim teams. They will still play Jr. Golf during the summer under my parents membership. Hollie has been moved up to the Nine holers and Lauren will be moved to the seven hole division.

March: Hollie is on the High School golf team Yeah! They started practicing the first week of March. They practice from 3pm to 530 pm after school Mon- Friday. Lauren's School soccer team has won every game. Lauren says that the teams they are playing are not very good. She is also playing on her rec team, they are in their second indoor soccer season.

I will post more regularly ...... Promise

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