Sunday, March 21, 2010

Saturday Night

Saturday was busy, it was the first day back from the world of illness. I went to Lauren's soccer game she scored four goals, two of those goals were set up by her friends so she could get her iPod touch. Which we did buy her because she could have still missed the goals even though they were nicely set up. Lauren played the first half of the game as defense, she made two attempts on goal from the other side of the field. She has quite a leg on her..... Then we bought two rocking chairs for the front porch, flowers, and grass care stuff. We took Lauren to her birthday party and Kris was so nice to pick her up and keep her for the evening so Thom and I could trek up to Seattle. We had a wonderful dinner with April and Dean. April and I go way back to junior high and church CYO classes where we caused so many problems. It was a wonderful evening we laughed so much which of course sent me into coughing spasm. On the way home we picked up Lauren bought NyQuil and I slept so well finally. Today I am getting ready for the week. We are suppose to weigh in tonight with Aimie, Jon, and Brian. I really don't want to do the work to lose the weight but here we go....

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