Saturday, October 29, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa Evans Come to Visit

Grandma and Grandpa came down from Alaska to visit the kids. They were really good sports, the first night they were here we all went to see Hollie play in the Pep band for her Homecoming game.
Second night Hollie had Homecoming dance:) She is such a beautiful girl! Some guy will be lucky to have her...
While Hollie was out at Homecoming the rest of us went out to dinner at Olive Garden. I loved this pic of the them.

 Lauren and her Grandparents :)

Nathan and Grandpa

I just loved this pic of Lauren so I threw it in.

Grandma and Nate

Always sad to see them go, Nathan was quick to warm up to them. Hoping they can make it back around the Holidays:)

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