Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Nathan update 6months

We are now towards the end of Nates 6month he is such a great baby! This month he has mastered transferring a toy between hands, holding two toys and banging them together. He is so cute when he puts the back side of his hand against his mouth and then waves his hand! He eats about one full jar of organic baby food in a day! He prefers to feed himself with a spoon. Has incredible accuracy getting the spoon to his mouth. We usually have two spoons because he is very impatient for the next bite and we were having to wrestle the spoon out of his hand. So now we just trade hom for another spoon. It is cute how excoted he gets when you hold up a full spoon. He can Hold and drink from a sippy cup, usually watered down prune juice. He does not poop well :( after about 4-5 days I have two give a suppository only twice since starting solid food have we pooped on our own despite an all fiber diet?
He sits unattended now and loves for you to sit across from him to roll a ball. Balls are still his favorite toy, right now he has taken to laurens hackey sack! It is cute that Lauren who normally won't share is happy to give this to him.he loves touch and dwelt books as of this last week which is a nice change from reading everyday the gobble gooble moo tractor book. He will walk holding hands between daddy and I, about four steps. Not any further on the crawling:( he will lean forward from a sitting position but hasn't figured out the legs. Great at getting on his knees from a laying position but has no arm strength.
He loves to breast feed and hates when I am not avaiable. This last Saturday I got home after 13 hrs and he saw me walk in the door. He started rocking back and forth with excitement and would take his eyes off me with his cute smile and mamamama sound. He nursed for 20 each side just hitting my face, playing with my strap as I talk to him and recited stories I have memorized. Then later got teary wishing I didn't have to work!
Ok sleeping ugggh I have not broken him of the bassinet ! I am having such a hard time letting go of each stage! Teary now writing how much he has grown, realizing that the girls time has gone by so fast. Well two weeks ago I saw this cute face looking at me ( see pic below)! Tried switching him to the crib but he woke up to feed at 1:30 did not want to sleep. Stayed up til 3:00 when I placed him back in the bassinet he went right to sleep. I am going to try the crib again this weekend. Halloween is almost here Nathan picked out a duck costume despite his dads best attempt at the dinasour, monkey, or dog costume. We went for a walk to see all the decorations, Nathan loves leaves ( see pic below)! We are all up to date on immunizations and last weigh in at 17 lbs 7 oz!

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