Monday, April 22, 2013

And the week begins....

Knew today was going to be hard for Miss Lauren. She called about 20 mins into school all the new cheerleaders were wearing shirts to say they made the team. I am proud how she was able to verbalize that she was sad and was able to listen as I gave advice. She did want to come home and as much as I would have loved to hold her and make it all better, it is time for her to learn to cope with life. My best friend always reminds me that we are preparing them for life and sometimes it just is not fair. Lauren did a great job  and totally turned her day around. I really feel she is going to do well in life :)

Nate and I picked up Rhodes and went to preschool class at Children's Museum. The boys had a great time. We danced, sang children's songs, and popped bubbles. Nate loves taking care of Rhodes. He pushed him in the swing. He put his binki in his mouth and would talk to him in a softer voice. He was very kind and caring. We went to the Fife pool park to play and give sissy Lauren a special lunch, in attempt to cheer her up.

I have been running a 13 min mile with out improvement on my time. Julie my coworker also athletically gifted took me running today. I was able to run further and faster with her help. It was fun and nice of her to drive to my neck of the woods. We set up weekly runs and I hope to improve my time to 11 min by the end of the month.

I have also been feeling the need to play stay at home mom. I'm watching pioneer woman on the cooking channel-about threw up when she poured liquefied crisco into a recipe. I want to decorate the house and I have turned down two extra shifts. So thankful that Thom is working hard to advance in his company and it is allowing me to play house wife. I would love it if my children and husband thought they were my most important accomplishment.

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