Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 2008

Christmas Eve, my sister hosted a dinner at her home. I did not have my camera but the table was very "Martha", we had turkey, two types of stuffing, and many other dishes. I had to come directly from work so you wouldn't want pics of me anyways:)

Thom, the kids and I stayed at my moms that night. As many of you know we did not buy a tree as our house is currently boxed up in hopes to move into our first home soon. It was fun to stay the night and wake up with them in the morning. Mom and Greg were awake first and opening presents from each other by the time we all joined in. That was fun to see what they gave each other and the excitement. Hollie and Lauren snuggled in, Lauren with me and Hollie wanted to snuggle with Nana. The picture below is when we gave them the cell phones. We have really been playing up that they weren't going to get cell phones until they were at least 20yrs old. Lauren had a breakdown at one point. This was the last picture I got before getting mauled in gratitude by the two of them. They spent a good two hours texting each other and occasionally their cousin or friends. We did get unlimited text package.

Picture of my Mom and Greg, Greg just received some really nice golf clubs.

We had a huge breakfast my mom prepared Italian sausage, eggs, pancakes, Cinnamon rolls. It was fantastic. Then we got ready for the day and headed back to my sisters house to meet up with my dad. Maddy unfortunately we missed she had already headed back to her moms house. My dad gave me a ring from my great grandmother the kids played with Amelia, Hollie snuggled with Papa. We headed back to my Moms for dinner and presents. Below is several pictures of the evening.

Hollie and Nana, she is my true Christmas baby. I don't know if you all remember but her name was going to be Allison. When she was born with the bright red hair and so close to Christmas I had to name her Hollie.

Lauren 11yrs old going on 30 !

Hollie 15 yrs old and Amelia 5years old sitting together. Everyone loves to snuggle with Hollie. I think this was the most calm Amelia had been all day!

My sister and her husband Chris pictured above! Melissa will be graduating soon with a Nursing Degree and hopefully working with me at the Hospital. They were the ones that hosted a grand Christmas Eve dinner. Maddie I didn't get a picture she had to go back to mom's before I got there on Christmas day.

My brother and his girlfriend Michelle. I believe they have been together 3 years now. We are all secretly hoping that he marries this one! In fact my grandma sent his Christmas card addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wagner. I personally have seen a wonderful caring Patrick who puts her needs above what he wants to do most of the time. He is still 30 yrs old after all and I know my husband as well as many others have a hard time with those two to four hour video game marathons. No one is perfect needless of all me!

My brother Greg his wife Joanne both wonderful people dedicated to our community and their family. Chris their oldest son has a wicked sense of humor. He is working on his PhD in Mathematics/Physics stuff (best way I can describe it is some next to level shit well above our heads). Cynthia is about to turn 21, she is in school for her BSN.

My brother Sean and his wife Kelly (who makes the most unbelievable dishes). There daughter Anna is so into princesses, it reminds me of Lauren at that age. She had a really cute holiday outfit to wear but she prefers her princess dress. She and Amelia together are a hoot, they at one moment would be coloring together~2sec later running and chasing each other~ and then tears and complaints that one wasn't being nice to the other. Typical 4-5 yr old friendships. I love having the younger kids around.
All in all I think Christmas was a success this year.

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