Sunday, December 14, 2008

Second Place in the District

Wow ! ! ! ! What a game, they started off both teams standing in front of friends and family. In attendance for Lauren was Mom, Dad, Nana, Opa, Aunt Missa, Uncle Chris and Cousin Amelia. They announced the teams by each individual, everyone stepped forward when their name was called and the crowd cheered. Now Lauren however loves to be different! Laurens name is called and she steps forward like a rock star with her arms up in the air. Amelia was beyond cute she just kept Chanting Lauren! Lauren! Lauren! then when we would cheer for her other teammates she would say no not Emma, Lauren has to win. The concept of team escapes her but that is not surprising. Lauren had some fancy footwork she set up a few attempts on goal. Our team was the first to score, then Harbor team scored twice. We got it tied up but in the end Harbor got one last goal. Final score was 3-2 and for the first time we got titled Second Place in district. Wow! that it all I can say is wow! Nana brought hotchoc, Uncle Chris had the space heater, and Opa called the penalty before the refs. I love watching her play !!!!!!!!!!!

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