Monday, May 20, 2013

Random pictures

Hollie 19 and Lauren 15 at our favorite ice cream spot! 

Hollie 1st accident! Well we all know it was bound to happen and of course she did not come right home and tell  us as we hoped. She came home after dog sitting for Nana for 2 weeks. I had been over to the house but obviously did not check the car over. I had her washing and cleaning her car. Thom noted that the passenger side mirror had been duct taped on with black tape to match car-mind you there was no mirror.
The Story: I was being followed really closely by someone as I was driving through nana's neighborhood. I turned to see  how close they were and turned the steering wheel causing me to side swipe a garbage can that ripped the mirror off. This is the only version she will admit too. Problem is the physics and the evidence does not add up?

I am really glad that we are through the dreaded first accident and I pray that there will not be any more. 

This picture was taken just prior to her district track meet where she  ran for 4 x 100m and 4 x 200m
So proud of her

At the track meet killing time with the camera phone:) Nate is 2yrs old

I do not think I will be able to carry him much longer! 

Nate 2 years old pushing his cousin 11mos old in a swing. 

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