Thursday, July 11, 2013

A difficult ten minutes

July 10th I get off work early as I slept horribly the night before. I had several stressful dreams and then got sucked in to an old movie. I took off early the next day from  work at 3pm. I took Lauren to soccer practice( very ready for her to have her license). Nate and I went to Safeway. I let Nate do a lot. He knows how to swipe my debit card and enter my pin. I give him the keys to the truck and let him unlock. We unload the groceries and watch the fireman who were in line behind us load up the fire truck and drive off. I go to put Nate in his car seat he drops the keys off to the side and they fall into his diaper bag. I buckle him in and normally would climb up and over him to retrieve the keys. Well I dug a big long hole the day before and so I decide to go around to the other door to get the keys of course shutting Nates door. If course the door is locked. I was calm but my heart rate was up it is a sumner day middle of July with no spare key. I called 911 those same guys came back with sirens ( even more humiliating) it took them a bit but they were able to get the car open. Nate remained calm throughout the entire event. He followed directions well. While we were waiting for the fire truck I had him unlatch his top part of the seatbelt and try to get the keys, of course he couldn't reach. When we got him out of the car he had beads of sweat but was otherwise fine. Of course will not ever let him have the keys again and I am pretty sure that I know lose the mother if the year award. I am pretty sure I will be nominated for the Darwin's award:( 

1 comment:

Aimie Hunter said...

So scary! Glad you were in a populated area and close to services.