Sunday, December 27, 2009

Hollie a look through the years!

Her Birth Announcement
wt. 5lbs 10 oz
19.5 inches long
Born at 11:25
Name : Hollie Darlene (Darlene is her Great Grandmas name)
Her First Room

She was so small, we had to keep the house at 90 degrees for the first few weeks of her life. She was able to wear preemie outfits but had the head of an 7lb baby. I was a nervous mom and so I wouldn't let anyone hold her for the first month beside my mom. She is just about a month old in this picture.
Hollie needed to feed every two hours, she had significant colic, and constipation. I remember one night she cried unconsolably from midnight until 6am.
She made the cutest baby faces esp. when she stretched and squished her face all up.

Hollie the toddler years

Hollie and my best friends daughter who is about 8weeks younger than Hollie. The girls are just under a year. Hollie was a little behind and is learning to sit here.
Hollie and Katherine at 18mos they played really well together at this age. Hollie loved Kate and Kate loved to be into everything.

Hollie age five....

Hollie age 3 1/2 just learned to wink.....

Hollie School Age

Hollie 6 years old she had just completed a school performance in french.
Hollie 6 Lauren 2 1/2 at Pacific Science Center in the butterfly house. Hollie would hold and comfort Lauren who really did not like the butterfly house.

Hollie's first day of school at Spring Valley Montessori.... I wish we could have kept her in this school but financially it was not possible. She learned basic french and the teacher to student ratio was 10:1. Hollie extra activities were soccer and dance. Hollie was too nice for soccer she would give the ball to the other team if the girl was sad.

Hollie's first day of first grade she transferred to the Fife Milton School district. This class room was a first/second grade combo. She spent two years with Ms. Williams.

Easter 2002

Hollie The later Years

2003 Hollie in Lake Chelan with Opa and the rest of the family. Lake Chelan is one of our families favorite vacations.
Hollies 11th birthday at Round table pizza! She is so beautiful how did I get such a wonderful, giving, and selfless child.
Hollie 13 years old she had to wear head gear this year.
Hollie 12 -13 yrs old loves playing basket ball and softball (still does). She played softball for about three years and about the same for basket ball. She is a great teammate who is always positive and supportive to the other players.

Hollie 14years old and her sister Lauren at Christmas

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hollie's Family 16th Birthday Party

Hollie and Papa
Hollie Aunt Missa and Maddy (cousin) Amelia and Uncle Chris there but not in picture.
Aunt Cheryl Hollie and Uncle Dave
Grandpa R0n and Hollie
Aunt Michelle and Hollie

Hollie's Family 16th Birthday Party

My beautiful baby girl who is no longer a baby!

We had all the family over for Hollie's 16th birthday. The Evans, Walker's, Wagner, Varney, Harrington's and Peterson families all sat down for dinner in the celebration of Hollie!
Dad prepared Hollie's favorites Turkey pot pie from scratch, scallop potatoes, salad, and I of course thinking we would not have enough ordered pizza. Mom was sick on the day of the party but it all went well.
Hollie and her sister Lauren at dinner.

Thanksgiving Parade 2009

Every year we go to the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade together as a family. Thom and Chris are angels and they head up with all the chairs to set up at 0615, yes in the morning!
So when we arrive at 0830 we have great seats........Starting at the far end Patrick, Michelle, Melissa, Nana, and Amelia. This is the first year Grandma Rizzo joined us. The kids enjoyed having her around for Thanksgiving.

My girls enjoying breakfast on the run! Once the parade starts we all cheer and clap, Amelia is primary entertainment. They have the usual group and the same floats every year. This year one of the highlights was the foam fire hydrant walker fell over and needed help getting up.

I always love the finale with Santa arriving! Then we all race in to get Santa pictures I went early to stand in line. It took us only 30 minutes and we all met up for lunch at Olive Garden.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Thom and I had everyone over for Thanksgiving this year. It was a wonderful morning. Thom and I played a round of scrabble after he got the turkey started. Spoke to everyone and got the impression that they would all be here late afternoon. Well surprise my mom, greg, and grandma all arrived around noon. Thom and I were in the middle of setting up so my poor mom ended up helping me clean and iron table cloths. Thom cooked and prepared the dinner. The setup turned out to be great but we had way, way, way too much food.

Amelia lost her tooth while eating! Appetizers: Strawberries, Cheese, and crackers.
Entree's: Turkey with fresh rosemary,fennel, lemon, olive oil rub (the meat fell off the bone), mashed potatoes, olives, cranberry sauce(made from scratch), sausage and apple stuffing, regular stuffing, green bean caserole (Michelle), quiche (Michelle), rolls (dad), broccoli salad (dad), green salad (Melissa), fruit salad (mom), pumpkin pies (mom), chocolate pie (michelle), and of course whip cream topping. I have a full fridge still (3days later) of food.
The Children's table! Hollie, Lauren, Amelia, Chris, and Maddy.

The adult table where we enjoyed a very expensive bottle of wine (so good thanks Michelle) !
Thom, Chris, Grandma Rizzo, Nana (not in pic) Opa, Michelle, Pat, Chris, Melissa (not in pic), and Dad.
It was a very nice evening! The best part was sitting around and talking with each other. We got to hear some details about Patrick's wedding, and talked about the old days. Pat and Michelle stayed and watched a movie. It was a great night.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Hollie's Sweet Sixteen Friend Party

I can not believe that Hollie is turning 16! She is on her way out to celebrate this next milestone with all her girlfriends. Her hair has black streaks in it, face painted to indicate that she is Team Edward (Twilight movie), and she is ready to go....

Thom made all the snacks she had Jones soda that he relabeled "Were Juice" "Type O" and other vampire references. Everything was set up for Team Edward or Team Jacob. We (needing two friends to help drive all the girls, thanks Aimie, Clay, and Robbie),drove the girls to Roundtable pizza in Federal Way. They ate over 100$ in pizza and soda. We had cupcakes and did birthday presents there. Hollie received many nice gifts but all the time dying to get to the movie. The girls went to see New Moon yet another teen love movie.
After the movie we had all the girls over for an overnight. They stayed up really late watching more movies..... Eating junk......and talking. Here is Hollie and her friend Katy.

Hollie's Sweet Sixteen Friend Party

The girls were goofing around with the camera. Starting on your left is Katy, Hollie, Alexa, and Kelsy.
Hollie and her friend Alexa. They are both into Anime and Alexa is studying Japanese. They both played an instrument, and like to write stories.
I really like this picture. Starting with Hollie, Alexa, Lilly, Kelsy, Katy, and Kate. Kate and Hollie were born only six weeks apart and while they are not in the same place right now it is always so sweet that they grew up together.

At Breakfast they ate lots and lots of waffles, not so much fruit though.

At about 1000 in the morning I was done and started getting the kids out the door. The last kid left at 1pm and it was just enough time to get Hollie cleaned up and ready for another birthday that started at 4pm.

They grow to quickly......
Katherine, Hollie, Lilly, Kelsy, Alexa, and Katy

A Full House

Why I only took a few pictures while Aimie and the kids were staying with us I don't know?
Aimie, Theo, Georgia, and Kate all came to stay with us while Jon (Aim's husband) remodeled their 1930's kitchen. It was great to have the kids all to myself for the extended weekend. I got to give baths, brush hair, prepare lunch, and visit with Kate. Aimie and I stayed up the first night until midnight talking as if we were in high school. I don't think we would have ever run out of things to share and discuss. Needless to say we did not do that anytime again as we are no longer in High school and need our sleep!
The kids were great, they took naps, they played and entertained themselves. I would have them all back in a heartbeat.

50's Barbie party

Lauren was invited to a 50's Vintage Barbie party for one of her friends on the soccer team. This girl is the nicest and most genuine young lady. Lauren is lucky to know such girls!

The concept of a fifties vintage party to the decorations, the cake, the name cookies, and the actual actress who played barbie was all unbelievable.
Lauren all dressed up even wearing heels!

We bought her outfit at the local antique store. The coat feels like it is pure wool and has the old vintage label from the department store. We put her hair up in a french roll and she did get to wear some makeup ( I thought all the kids would be so I caved)!
Probably unable to tell but the dress has soft layers one on top of the next. It is a grayish blue with a broach. The shoes were worn by the owners great aunt to play the piano as they sailed military men over to Japan to their assignments.
The back of the dress was a bit fancy, apparently Lauren's Nana wore something similar when she was a girl.
Lauren loved the party she said her favorite part was singing karaoke!

Georgia's Birthday

My best friends daughter Georgia turned 3!
Georgia really wanted a pink pony cake. I found this version of a pony really cute but there was debate on whether it looks like a pony? She was really cute the week prior to her birthday she kept asking if that day was her happy birthday?
Jon and Georgia waiting patiently for the rest of us to quit singing so she can get to the cake. She did need a lot of coaxing to blow out the candles! It was a blessing to be included in this special day.

My Christmas Picture ~ Work

A co-worker plays Santa every year for the Children's Hospital I work for, today he helped us out!
Sandie having a good time!
This is the picture we will be using for the Sedation Team Christmas Cards. I enjoy working with each person they are the best!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Weekend

Hollie had a great time at the FHS football game. Mckailey, Kyle, and Hollie would talk in between music performances. They were wet from the rain, cold, and not into the game. I got Hollie home and warmed her up.

Lauren's first soccer game was during a downpour of rain, on a field of water with a splash of mud. Lauren was not into the game she was cold and a player on the other team got into her head. Our team won 1-0 and it was a great lesson for Lauren on mental toughness which is a huge part of the game.

Game two tonight! We lost 0-1 we did file a formal complaint
with the tournament referee as the team we are playing is in last place in our league and conveniently they forgot their players cards. They did have a two ringers that are not on the team during league play who had some fantastic foot work. Our girls made several attempts on goal but did not score:( We did hold them to only one point. It was great to get the girls against the advanced players.

Nov 1st with Aimie's babies

Pictures are in reverse order.
We took Georgia and Theo to the park at our house while Aimie and Jon went car shopping.

They were so funny Theo just sat and observed all the kids playing while Georgia wanted to do all the difficult tasks, monkey bars and the fire pole.

They are sooo beautiful aren't they?

My family all together in the morning!

We had such a great time and hope to do it again soon.