Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend ~ Monday

Monday we invited a whole bunch of friends and their kids to Flaming Geyser Park for a BBQ. The day was fantastic, sunshine 70 degrees with a slight breeze. Thom and I headed to the park at 0900 to get a good spot. We set up next to the Green River by the volleyball net, BBQ pit, and little kid park. Friends started to arrive around 1100 and the party was on its way. We went on a hike, saw the fabulous Flaming Geyser, the bubbling creek, and played a friendly game of soccer against the kids. Then the rest of our group called, "we are sitting outside the park, they closed the park." Can you believe that? So half of our group was unable to attend the party. We did have a great time.
Pictured above Left to Right: Hollie, Alexa, Arielle, Maddy, Ali, Lauren, Casey, Riley, Bradon.

Memorial Day Weekend ~ Sunday

I love the Drive In ............ Sunday day Thom worked on a friends car, and I cleaned out (detailed) the Trailblazer. Then we went out with our good friends.
We went to see Star Trek at the drive in with our friends..... I love putting on pj's, sitting outside, and talking with Friends. Pictured above is Stacy and I.......Thom and Greg did not have a picture to post but they were good sports and came along.
We always have a kids car and an adult car so we don't have to hear who took what part of the blanket or the frequent shifting of seats. Starting left in picture: Laurens friend Casey, Hollie, Sage, and Lauren. We had a wonderful night.

Memorial Day Weekend 2009~Saturday part 2

Saturday night was Patrick's Confirmation (a Catholic thing). It was a beautiful, and very formal Mass. The Arch Bishop was there, Pat was so nervous. The Bishop was allowed to ask questions of all the candidates, he was not suppose to ask the sponsors( me). So he is asking Patrick about the reading and then suggests he uses a "life line" and then turns to me. Utilizing my skills from HS I was able to give a vague answer based on the last line of the reading. I always pay attention to the last sentence said. I teared up during the Service so proud of my brother, lord knows what will happen when he gets married.
After the service the class took a picture he is the bald guy back rows........

All Patricks friends and family at Buco Di Beppo in Seattle, (I do not recommend this place). My parents took everyone to dinner after the Mass, really nice of them. Patrick received some nice gifts a bible coloring book was the funniest. He also received my Grandfathers Rosary which was the best present. My grandpa was so dedicated to the Catholic Church I know that Rosary was special. It was a wonderful night.
My Sister Melissa and her Husband Chris...........

Their kids Maddy and Amelia ( my wonderful Nieces) ........

My Girls Hollie and Lauren. . . . . . . . . .

My Grandma Rizzo the girls Great Grandma ( I know I never can keep my eyes open)

Thom and I .......

My Mom and Greg .. .... ....

The guest of honor my brother Patrick and his girlfriend (hope to be wife?) Michelle.

Memorial Day Weekend 2009~Saturday Part one

Leah and I had our first golf game of the year and by the way we were playing, one would think it was our first game ever! But I will say that Leah had a much better day than I did.

We partnered up with Aimie's husband Jon and her step father Steve. Steve is retired and lives in Las Vegas, so that should explain how good he is. Jon can hit the ball a ton as we watched his drives go far ... and right, all day long.

Apparently, Jon and I thought it would be cool if we dressed alike, while Steve was griping that the weather was cold on his Vegas acclimated body. I think he wore two pairs of pants and two shirts. And it had to have some sort of Washington Huskies logo, which includes his golf balls.

So, how cool are we?

Memorial Day Weekend 2009 ~ Friday

We went to Five Mile Lake after work with two families..... Robbie's and Dales pictured above Hollie and I. Love the way she hugs and her smile.
We played Softball, the kids except the three below played football. Pictured above Robbie and I we never get pictures esp with my eyes open.

Hollie, Alexa, and Katy at Five Mile Lake.... They spent their time walking around the park talking.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Girls Sports Update

Lauren had her last track meet on May 15th. She ran in the 100meter, 50 meter, relay, and more. I was most proud that she attempted the 800 meter, she did not place well. Lauren is not one to try anything new especially if she has not already mastered it in practice. So it was a big deal.

Hollie went to District for Golf, she only played the first day. She did not advance in the playoffs. Hollie loved playing with the team after the day was over they stopped for ice cream.

The girls will get about four weeks off from sports and then Jr. Golf and Summer Camps start.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hollie has braces! She is not complaining of pain or discomfort until we had dinner. She is now listening to mom and taking ibuprofen. Her braces have pink and blue rubber bands on them. Yeah we are in the last phase of ortho with her what 5,000 out of pocket from start to finish. How we did it who knows?
Lauren is just now starting her phase I she has to have four teeth pulled. Over the last three weeks she has been doing spacers and today she got a retainer to keep her teeth spaced. Her mouth was much more sore than Hollies.
My girls are getting so big.

Another Kid What was I Thinking

Take having another child off my top 20! I went up to Seattle to help my dearest friend Aimie with her two small children while she was vomiting. I will preface this with how much I love these kids. Georgia 2yrs old and Theo who just turned one on May 12th. Theo does this growl thing and then laughs at himself. Georgia now says, "Auntie Leah!" This of course melts my heart then she took me on a tour. I saw her room, flowers she picked, and much more.

Now that being said Aimie is an absolute Saint! ! ! ! I arrived to the house at 0945 the kids are playing in the living room several toys laid out. I checked on Aimie and then settled in to caring for the children. I played with the kids and in between did some cleaning. We had morning snack, we had diaper changes, and we had fun playing together. Then another round of lunch, diapers, and getting ready for nap. (by this time I was thankful for nap)

Georgia never really did take a nap and she had Theo awake with in 30 minutes. I let them just talk and play in the room while I picked up and vacuumed. We got up had another snack, played and colored pictures. I took Georgia outside while Aimie watched Theo. Georgia is now potty training so about every 20minutes she needs to go again in the afternoon. I think this might be higher in frequency as she gets two M&M's after each time. Georgia is really smart you have to watch out for that one, she has it figured out. Earlier she was saying how sick she was, she saw the amount of attention and special things you get when you are sick. Now of course it was easy to distract her to something she loves and boy she was up playing. She played all day with no further complaints. I tell you she has figured things out.

Yeah it gets to be 3:30 p.m. and Katherine is home! I love their older sister, for those of you who don't know Hollie and Katherine were born just a few weeks apart. Katherine has always been my third child. In fact I don't even consider my self an Auntie I helped raise that kid. I went to all activities I saw her every day and watched her grow. So I get pseudo parent title. Katherine comes into the house and the kids want to play with her. I did get to sit in her room and talk to her about school. She was a big help that evening, not one complaint about taking out the garbage or entertaining Theo while Georgia and I prepared dinner.

The kids were eating dinner when I told Katherine that they are going to have a bath and then bed after that. All the while thanking God that I survived the day. Then Kate says but Jon (dad who had to work today) doesn't like them to go to bed before 7pm. My immediate reaction was Oh well he wasn't here all day and I am tired they are going to bed. I toughed it out Jon came home played with the kids gave them their bath. I went down checked on Aimie and told her that I could never stay home and raise two kids. It was much different when I had mine for a number of reasons but the biggest two were 1) I was 23yrs old and had much more energy 2) My kids were almost four years apart.

So for all of you Aimie, My cousin Heather, Shannon, Laura, and many more . . .. . . . . You should receive an award for all the work you do. Your husbands should be thanking you daily.

Mothers Day 2009

Thom took the girls and I to Friday Harbor Mothers Day weekend! The day started with Laurens two soccer games, golf registration, and then a quick drive to try and catch a Ferry two hours away. We got on the boat at 3p.m. and then started to relax. The water was beautiful gray blue with sea otters occasionally popping up. It was a nice 67 degrees warm with a small breeze. We stayed at a converted Motel, they redesigned it with an Earth theme. The room was large had a kitchen , dining table, couch. Bathroom very small :( They had bikes you could ride and a pool both of which the girls loved. We hiked all over on Sunday we hit the America and British Camps left over from when both countries occupied the country. We saw the Lime Kilns and decided that today most men could not do that job in today's society. Unfortunately we could only stay the one day so we jumped a ferry back.

That evening we went to my moms for a BBQ the weather didn't hold out. Dinner was great, we looked at the pics of their recent Hawaii trip and called it a night.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

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Sunday, May 3, 2009

One Crazy Weekend

Friday: Laurens Track Meet, Sleep overs for both the girls, Thom and I went out to the bar to catch the M's game.

Saturday: I volunteered at the Health Fair, Thom coached Laurens soccer game, Hollie and I went shopping for three hours, Thom went to friends house to watch the fight, the girls Robbies kids and I went over to Karen's.

Side note..... Karen's house is soo amazing! Large windows that look over the brightly lit City of Tacoma. We had a wonderful dinner and played pictionary and catch phrase with Kris Mike Karen Andy and the kids.

Sunday: Took the kids to the park to play soccer with Lauren Ryan Hollie and Alexa. We went to the M's game on a whim the sun was out and our other plans fell through.

All Dressed UP

Our good friends Robbie and Clay all dressed up!
We took their kids for the night, they went out to a Hospital fundraiser. Robbie is a personal banker for Wells Fargo and they bought a table. I have to say they were a very cute couple, we made them take pictures as if they were going to the prom.

Take me out to the ballgame ...

What a great day! Our day started with no serious plans and an aching back. We decided at noon to head up to the Tulip Festival in Mt. Vernon as the weather gave us no excuse to stay indoors. Along the way, Leah and I decided to catch a Mariner game since the sun was shining. So we got to the game and only missed a half an inning. 15 innings later (that equals over 5 hours), the Mariner's pulled out an amazing victory. Even though the game was long, both girls enjoyed the ballgame. Afterwards, the field crew supervisor came up to Lauren and Hollie and gave them each a used gameball. So, now we are all sun-kissed (Leah had sun-block in her purse the whole time) and ready to go to another game.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Laurens First Track Meet


Lauren chose to run in the 50 meter, 100 meter, and 200 meter. Her favorite was the 75 meter hurdle. In her "heat" she came in second place in all events but the 200 meter where she placed third. The boy on her left at the end kept placing first.

Lauren looked good out there and she knew it. When you ask her what she enjoyed it was talking with her friends from the soccer team and trying the long jump.

Angie gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Claire Annabell German arrived a full 7lbs 11 oz !
Amazing she looks as though nothing happened, I am jealous.

Thom Loves to Repair Cars

My husband loves to work on cars with the guys. You should see the smile on his face while he is out there. He has been fixing the brakes, valve cover gaskets, water pump, alternator and more. Now they are all well maintained, need to find him his dream car to repair. See his top 20 list for his favorite car.