Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mothers Day 2009

Thom took the girls and I to Friday Harbor Mothers Day weekend! The day started with Laurens two soccer games, golf registration, and then a quick drive to try and catch a Ferry two hours away. We got on the boat at 3p.m. and then started to relax. The water was beautiful gray blue with sea otters occasionally popping up. It was a nice 67 degrees warm with a small breeze. We stayed at a converted Motel, they redesigned it with an Earth theme. The room was large had a kitchen , dining table, couch. Bathroom very small :( They had bikes you could ride and a pool both of which the girls loved. We hiked all over on Sunday we hit the America and British Camps left over from when both countries occupied the country. We saw the Lime Kilns and decided that today most men could not do that job in today's society. Unfortunately we could only stay the one day so we jumped a ferry back.

That evening we went to my moms for a BBQ the weather didn't hold out. Dinner was great, we looked at the pics of their recent Hawaii trip and called it a night.

1 comment:

Aimie Hunter said...

I love this picture with all three of you. How wonderful to spend Mom's Day surrounded by your teen/tween daughters :)