Thursday, May 14, 2009

Another Kid What was I Thinking

Take having another child off my top 20! I went up to Seattle to help my dearest friend Aimie with her two small children while she was vomiting. I will preface this with how much I love these kids. Georgia 2yrs old and Theo who just turned one on May 12th. Theo does this growl thing and then laughs at himself. Georgia now says, "Auntie Leah!" This of course melts my heart then she took me on a tour. I saw her room, flowers she picked, and much more.

Now that being said Aimie is an absolute Saint! ! ! ! I arrived to the house at 0945 the kids are playing in the living room several toys laid out. I checked on Aimie and then settled in to caring for the children. I played with the kids and in between did some cleaning. We had morning snack, we had diaper changes, and we had fun playing together. Then another round of lunch, diapers, and getting ready for nap. (by this time I was thankful for nap)

Georgia never really did take a nap and she had Theo awake with in 30 minutes. I let them just talk and play in the room while I picked up and vacuumed. We got up had another snack, played and colored pictures. I took Georgia outside while Aimie watched Theo. Georgia is now potty training so about every 20minutes she needs to go again in the afternoon. I think this might be higher in frequency as she gets two M&M's after each time. Georgia is really smart you have to watch out for that one, she has it figured out. Earlier she was saying how sick she was, she saw the amount of attention and special things you get when you are sick. Now of course it was easy to distract her to something she loves and boy she was up playing. She played all day with no further complaints. I tell you she has figured things out.

Yeah it gets to be 3:30 p.m. and Katherine is home! I love their older sister, for those of you who don't know Hollie and Katherine were born just a few weeks apart. Katherine has always been my third child. In fact I don't even consider my self an Auntie I helped raise that kid. I went to all activities I saw her every day and watched her grow. So I get pseudo parent title. Katherine comes into the house and the kids want to play with her. I did get to sit in her room and talk to her about school. She was a big help that evening, not one complaint about taking out the garbage or entertaining Theo while Georgia and I prepared dinner.

The kids were eating dinner when I told Katherine that they are going to have a bath and then bed after that. All the while thanking God that I survived the day. Then Kate says but Jon (dad who had to work today) doesn't like them to go to bed before 7pm. My immediate reaction was Oh well he wasn't here all day and I am tired they are going to bed. I toughed it out Jon came home played with the kids gave them their bath. I went down checked on Aimie and told her that I could never stay home and raise two kids. It was much different when I had mine for a number of reasons but the biggest two were 1) I was 23yrs old and had much more energy 2) My kids were almost four years apart.

So for all of you Aimie, My cousin Heather, Shannon, Laura, and many more . . .. . . . . You should receive an award for all the work you do. Your husbands should be thanking you daily.

1 comment:

Aimie Hunter said...

You are the saint for donating your free time to our family. Georgia and Theo had a lovely time with you...and we are still enjoying the yummy lasagna you made. THANK YOU!!!