Sunday, August 2, 2009

Denny Creek 2009

Denny Creek is our favorite campground. It has natural water slides, hiking trails, and waterfalls. Every year we go with several great friends. This year we spent time with The Donley's, Conner's, Hunter's, Dale and his boys. Eric his wife and their baby even came up for a night. We had between us twelve kids ages ranging 1-15years old. The kids were great and not one child received the Darwin Award this year. We LOVE to eat on camping trips! Steak, eggs, chips, cookies, and more. We played games like liars dice and hung around the campfire doing the usual stuff. Here are some of the pictures from that trip, I have about 200 total.

Lauren getting pulled out of the glacier water. We found this pool of clear beautiful water up river from our campground. Thom went in first to make sure the current was not too strong and then he talked the kids into swimming. Needless to say he did not mention how cold the water was......
Ryan's face says it all though.

Lauren going down the natural water slide.

Lauren and her friend Ryan sitting on a rock in the River. We climbed over several rocks and a few times I made them wait until Thom and I came up with a safe plan to continue.

Same location but this time Thom and Jon are standing on a log evaluating the rocks below. To save you all the suspense they did jump. It was a great trip but we missed our Hollie, she was at her Teen Leadership Camp. I did end up driving down on Saturday to pick her up rather than have her stay with a friend. I missed her too much!

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