Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It is a boy!

The doctor repeatedly said Dad gets to announce the sex, at 7:08 Thom announced," It's a boy"

Nathan James Evans
 Nathan was a name I fell in love with around 7mos and with my other babies I have always just known their names. I would like to say that really the babies have named themselves because when I say the name out loud I just get a sense that they have a favorite. Thom picked the middle name which is always a family name and so we had narrowed it down to Patrick or James. Patrick is my brother who I absolutely love and James is Thoms father who is a very giving man.

Nathan was wide awake and alert for an hour just looking around at us. As you can see he has laurens lips and Hollies chin. When he first arrived they placed him on my stomach and we snuggled for about an hour while they cleaned us and the room up. He then was latched and nursed for the first time!

1 comment:

Aimie Hunter said...

Such a handsome boy! My boys are already jealous of his hair :)