Friday, April 27, 2012

Tired Momma

Yep, here I am spending time catching the blog up only to realize that I have reposted previous posts?

Hollie Drivers test

In an attempt to catch the blog up to speed I will be posting out of order. Last week Hollie passed her drivers test :) She worked really hard to learn everything and took three practice tests on line at home after not passing the first time. She completed the test in 20mins, came out with a huge smile. We have the drive test today and I am nervous for her. She has worked hard and I hope she passes. Areas we still need to improve are maintaining a constant speed, she doesn't speed enough. I know I shouldn't say that but her speed drifts five below the limit and its not until I say something or someone honks that she knows to speed up. She is distracted easily but has agreed to retry the medication to help her focus- should fix this problem. Who knows Thom's distracted just as easily :) We will plant a bush when Hollie passes to pay tribute not only to her hard work but also to the bush she killed with the car learning to drive. Its been a long year trying to make sure she is ready to be on the road but I think we are finally here! Next goal to buy the child a car.

Sunny day in Feburary

I love when my parents hold my hands so I can run! I think Thom and I enabled this child to walk because we were a safety net and would get him every where he wanted to go. Walking him like this for up to an hour at a time. Then we got the train which did help give him some independance and mobility much like a walker. Nathan walked at 10mos but I bet he would have been walking at 9 months if it wasn't for us.

He wasn't a fan of many toys at the playground. He really liked to walk around and yell at the puppies. This child loves dogs.

Our picnic together.

My mom loves me more than life itself. I think this is my favorite picture of us.
Mommy kisses on the swing...

Lauren's New Adventures

Lauren out of the blue decided to try out for the school play. We were taken back, Lauren does not like public speaking. I asked her what prompted this new adventure...She said this year she is going to try new things! FBLA -- I will have to find a picture but she also competed in Interviewing with the Future Business Leaders of America.

Lauren did not get a speaking part, but did end up as a dancing ghost.

A little scary? Umm yep my daughter is the joker.

Junior High girls can have a rough time as most of us know... I am very proud of my daughter. Mikki is Laurens oldest friend, she also is a friend that comes and goes. They are growing in different directions. Lauren had invited her to do something in January I believe. Mikki gave her the maybe I'm not sure what my other plans are? I asked Lauren how she felt about this not wanting my daughter of course to be the consolation prize because I believe she is worth first place always. Lauren was so wise and said, "Mikki always comes back, and I dont want to give up on such an old friend." Then she went ahead and made plans with other friends. She still mentions her once in awhile but always in a positive way. again Lauren is handling Junior high so well.
A sunny day in Feburary:) Nate and I ended up on an adventure to find a swing. I don't remember this being a difficult task with the girls? We ended up at Triangle park in Milton. He loved it. I love his smile.

The series of the first swing.

I think Nate has about a million different expressions.

Love that we got some sun, he is not use to sun in his eyes.

The content I'm not ready to get out!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

When moms away the kids will play

Lucky for us Mom had a dentist appt:)

Lauren's school friend project

Sick Baby

My poor baby's first illness :( It started off with a fever and just general aches for 3 days then the cold hit. The cold and fevers lasted 7 days. Nathan was having a difficult time breast feeding and sleeping at night because of nasal congestion. I ended up suctioning his nose with saline drops and the bulb syringe. This of course irritated him but he did feel better afterwards. We went through 3 containers of chicken noodle soup and one bottle of tylenol. I was up every one to  two hours at the worst part.

Auggie Turns 2

The proud parents sharing a moment, rare to see at functions since the little kids came.

All Aimie's kids are great with knives. They practice by getting into food in the garage.

He is cute. Nate learning to rock the horse.

Kate and Auggie sharing a moment.

Auggie has quiet the devilish look doesn't he. I wonder if he is thinking that the whole cake is his? and then he blows out his candles and guess what.....the whole cake is his.

Just thought it was a great pic of Bri and Haywood

They all eat cake:)

Coaches Gift

The soccer team came over to make coaches gifts. A huge thanks to Kris and the other moms who help supply the scrapbooking stuff! Each girl wrote something personal and the coaches loved it.

I just loved this Pic, Emily is a really likable kid. I am hoping she will grow up to become a pediatric nurse.

CJH Soccer 2012

Lauren's soccer game against Ferrucci, I believe? The Lady Cougars played an amazing game that ended 3-0, we won. Many, almost, all the soccer players on the other team were shoving and playing the rough game, but the Cougars won because of their skill!

Game at Sparks Stadium! Which of course we won again against some of our own players that go to a different school.

Chillin' like a boss! Game against Edgemont.

Believe it or not, it was freezing cold but Lauren said it was really warm after the game.....I wonder why?

Sandbox in Seattle

Theo our little digger:)

Georgia has the worlds best imagination and creates new imaginary scenerios usually built around animals.

Nathan did not like the texture of the sand at first. He warmed up to it. He only ate the sand once. Used the shovel as a drum. He found a cute baby about two months younger and sat by her. They had a giant ball and he wanted to play with it all the time.

G and Nate