Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Our First (and last) puppy :)

We adopted from a shelter in Yakima our first puppy. There was a lot of thought put into this decision but even with that we could have been more prepared. Lauren named Lola on first sight. We bounced between Ruby and Lola but decided on Lola. First night was so difficult with the crying and I was up every hour. The second night I emailed Aimie and informed her I was driving back to Yakima on Sunday if this does not go better. I spent that night reading a puppy book and it did get better. I will say there is a reason that breeders do not recommend puppies to families with children under 5 years of age. I told myself that is for people with hyper children and Nathan was such a calm child but he still runs in the house -which he did not do before. I can not get him to stop running or to not put his hands up in the air. Next time I would listen and wait. Lola is about 16 weeks old 24 lbs and is a chewer. She is a good listener, potty trained quickly, good eater, likes walks but will not pee or poop outside our back yard. Thom and kids are so happy. Lola only has a problem with car rides.

Nate's Preschool 2014-2015

Nathans First preschool -All Saints in Fife Wa

In August the school hosts a picnic with bouncy house, BBQ, and face painting. Nate had a great time playing soccer and jumping in the bouncy house. 

Nate in front of school 3 years old 

Nate hook in the hallway outside of classroom. He did great until I had to leave then cried :( proceeded to cry for 3 weeks. I stayed strong until the last week then I was tearful leaving him. I did not think he would be upset for 3 weeks. It was Mid October when his teacher Mrs. Korth said he was finally warming up and his little personality was coming out.  

Mrs. Korth says Nate is well liked and very happy at school. He is kind and shares. Gets along well with others and is respectful in circle time. Just this morning he was fighting me on getting dressed and states that he just wants to stay home with mom. He can write his first name and is working on his last name. He can spell my name, his name and dads name. 

They had a harvest festival and he helped at the preschool booth for an hour while other children were running around. He handed each child 3 rings for a ring toss game. He cheered for the children playing and said good job and then picked up the rings quickly for the next child. Nathan is a very special boy. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

We had a great summer!

Disneyland ended with Dad flying back a day earlier than planned :( We stayed and played with Auntie Aimie and family. Lauren conquered her fear and went on the screamer with her sister Hollie! Nate we were able to put tissue in his socks to give him that last 1/4 inch and went on the Cars ride. It was a full day and by the end I got heat exhaustion and we called it a day by 6pm. 

Nathan still talks about Disneyland.

We also went with the extended family to Leavenworth Wa. Aunt Melissa and I took all the older children horseback riding- uneventful :) Nathan loved the large helicopters that would dip in the river behind the house Nana rented and lift up slowly to dump the water on the fire. Worst dinner was the mexican restaurant in which there was no fried food and best despite the wait was the italian dinner. Lauren was completely bored and Hollie elected not to go chose to work.

Denny Creek was so much fun and we have missed being a part of this the last two years. It is by far the Girls favorite camp ground. Our family met up with Dale's and Clay's family. Best part was watching Hollie, Lauren and Thom go down the natural water slide in Glacier water! Thank goodness Nate was too young or else I would be expected to participate:) I took video- they were all giggling and so happy. Thom and I took Nate to the base of the 1mile hike water fall. The girls did their own thing with Alexa and Ryan. Robbi and I sat on the river and talked while enjoying the sun and beauty of the surroundings. Thom and Nate built Rock people and then would throw rocks at it to knock it over.

Thom and I took Nate to Auntie Aimie's Summer Camp out with several of her family friends and so many small children. Nate had a great time and slept well on our air mattress. We did smores and ate well. On the drive up our car over heated and we were stuck in bellevue for 2 hours. Nate and I had ice cream and Dad called triple A -4 hour wait and fixed the car- He is such a help.

We got family pictures done with Jessica and they turned out fantastic.

I spent most the summer golfing with Veronica and spending time with kids and friends. My 40th birthday was so much fun. I went golfing with Melissa mom veronica and the girls Hollie, Lauren, and Maddy. We went out to lunch and Thai :) My favorite the that evening I went out with friends Britany Yo Julie  from work we had champagne, appetizers,pedicures and the dinner! Saturday Thom and I met up with Aimie and Jon we went out to lunch in Seattle and played mini golf-laughed a ton. Sunday at my moms house with immediate family.

I am now a Certified Pediatric Emergency Nurse

We finally found our puppy and ohhh what an adventure that has been. She is very sweet her name is Lola. She learns quickly and loves to be pet. She will lay on your lap to be pet. She never jumps on furniture but is enjoying the taste of both the rug and the carpet when we are not in the room. I hate puppy classes and often feel like a failure but she does sit and respond to training. We are doing our best to ensure that she is well trained but there are some days I am crying to Aimie "Why didn't I listen when people said they do not recommend puppies with children under 5" My trainer says I "I trained two puppies with my small children" uggh!

Hollie after a rough spring quarter with Chemistry has decided to hold on pursuing Vet Tech degree and we are focusing on AA transfer degree. Hollie is working hard at college and is really doing well in her current Anthropology class. This is the first class that she comes home every day and talks about what she learned. She also has enrolled in Karate. She is so excited to go to each class and is really enjoying the movements. She will be the last one to turn 21 of her friends and we are thinking her party will be at Teatro zanzini? Hollie is not interested in boys at this time. She is my biggest helper around the house and a joy to be around.

Lauren - She went to Cheer camp in July and loved it. She said the dorm rooms at Central Wa university are huge and the girls would have a dance party every night:) They decorated their rooms. She tried to apply for several jobs but unfortunately was not able to get a job due to her tight schedule with Medical explorers(as vice president), soccer, and cheer. She has been cheering at football games - Fife won the Homecoming game and her friend Nate was elected to Homecoming court.
Cabbage patch -lauren went over to Kianna's and stayed up all night decorating senior posters, they had breakfast at 0300 at Dennys and then decorated the school at 0600. Lauren and a few girls went back to a class room and slept for one hour. Kris Treece offered her a job last night as a barista at Starfire - a soccer complex ! Her chance of meeting and spending time with Brad Evans may just happen :)

Nathan: Loved hiking this last summer and has really grown. We have our I love you game - where I say an item I love about him and he repeats it back to me. He likes to rub the side of my face. We read like a hundred books at a time. Thom and Nate spend hours changing hot wheel tracks. Thom is super inventive having the hot wheels go off and inbetween furniture creates jumps. Nate and I play City where we get his fire station gas station etc and set up a city usually a fire breaks out and the ambulance has to take the injured person (car) to the hospital where mommy performs surgery and saves them. Nate started preschool at All Saints. First three weeks were tears by the third week I was crying -then he adapted finally. As of October the teacher says she is now seeing his little personality. When I go to pick him up they are single file Nate usually in the back smiling and waving with his finger shh  to remind me to be quiet. They high five the teacher and then Nate always runs into my arms - I am hoping this lasts a bit. I miss him terribly when he is at school. Nate had croup for 3 days in August and got to sleep in bed with Mom - Dad was kicked to the couch- he was a good sport about this.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Day 4 Disneyland

Dad had to be back to work so last day at Disneyland was with Mom. We met up with Auntie Aimie and Uncle Jon with all the kids. Nate really wanted to do the cars ride so we got fast passes for this. We did another round of the Toy story 4d ride and ate lunch. The girls went on the Screamer- Lauren's first time. Hollie was very excited to share this with her. Lauren did a great job reports that once she got on there was second thoughts but it was too late. Nate and I video taped this :) I took Nate to Bugs life section and then on the cars tractor ride again. We incidentally found Lightining McQueen which of course is Nates favorite car. He was 1/8inch too short for Cars ride so we put a folded napkin in his shoes and told him to walk straight and not mention the napkin so he can ride. He got onto the ride no problem and loved it until we started racing, he held on to us and was a little clingy right after. We did the parade with Aimie and the kids. Then autotopia this time he drove with mom, bumpiest ride of my life but his smile was worth it. Afterwards I was burnt and dehydrated which quickly followed by nausea. I thought if we just lay down and nap I would feel better but it just got worse. I took the kids back around 0830 pm and was unable to get on a ride. Nathan kept saying I want the "coffee ride" so the girls took him on that and the buzzlight year ride. Then we called it a Disneyland day. Not quite how I wanted the last day to go :(  

Next day headed to the airport, we did not have a ride and realized we had no key. Cab was very expensive to go from airport to meet Thom and then back home. Note to self ask for a ride next time.  

Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 3

Started off our second day at Disneyland with character breakfast at the plaza. This breakfast is the one we always go to since I was a child and characters have not changed. Nate saw Tigger right when we got there and said "I want to pet the kitty kitty and see his tail" Thom corrected him said it was a Tiger named Tigger and throughout the breakfast he asked when the Tiger was coming? Food was traditional breakfast buffet - omelets were ok. We mapped out our second day and started with the jungle cruise, Tom Sawyer Island, and Star Wars Jedi training show. The girls were good sports thought the driver in the jungle cruise was funny. Nate liked the animals on the cruise. Tom Sawyer island was a bust normally my favorite place but Nate refused to go into the caves. Thom tried holding him but hit both their heads and that set off tears, then tge pirate ship came around and fired two loud pop guns startled us and Nate cried again. The Star Wars training was great as always Disney puts on quite the show. They had darth maul in full costume which is pretty scarey but Nate loved the sword fighting and we lived the quick Witt of the main actor. Then we did the buzz light year lazer ride- followed by Indiana jones. Went to eat lunch did the pooh ride and then the parade. Frozen royalty was the first float, this is Lauren's favorite she was so happy she cried. Nate lived the parade, he was waving at all the characters. There were many bright colors. We followed this up with playing in the tree climbing area at Ca Adventure then back to hotel girls fed Nate and themselves while Thom and I went out to dinner with Aimie and Jon at the Napa Rose. We had meals with wine pairing. Laughed a lot and berated the boys about who looked older. Tried to talk the girls into going back to the park but they were tired and so was Thom. So having no one to go with I stayed home and everyone is asleep. Third night co sleeping Nates feet are constantly in my back or stomach. I haven't slept more than six hrs in a row . Precious moment around 3a this morning he woke smiled I kissed him and he laid his tiny hand on my chest - I'm so blessed to have all my kids and husband be happy and healthy with the girls sleeping in the bed next to Nate and I - we put dad in the separate bedroom because he snores but even through the door you can hear him, 

Sunday, June 22, 2014


Love my daughters quick Witt. I spent a good amount if time on a new calendar system . I sent out a text and spoke to the girls about not setting or preparing food in this area. A few days later I went shopping and left a pineapple in this area- hence the note. 

Day 2

Everyone awake at 0800 in room. Real fast with dad arriving at 0930 and out the doer we went:) 

Started at Ca Adventure cars ride doing the tractor ride first which is like a scrambler. Nate did great on his first ride no anxiety. We took him on the rocket swing which was way off the ground and swings outward, he did great. Nates favorite ride was the 4-D toy story video game where you shoot targets. He insisted we go in it twice back to back. Lauren's favorite part of today was her and I on autotopia, she was making creeper faces whole I was getting a pic . Hollie drove her own car and Nate drive Thom- enjoying every minute. 
We at are cars land for lunch so Nate could watch the race cars. Dinner was at goofys kitchen buffet style way over priced. We did more rides and then at 5 I took Nate to a quiet place where a river runs by big thunder rock and told him to take a nap - he rolled on his side and fell asleep for 2 hrs. During this time Thom and girls would go on a ride and then I would get the parent swap pass and go on the ride with the girls. Thom spoiled  Nate and they built a custom car it is blue dodge viper . We went back to Disney for  Fantasmic. Nate loved this. Hollie said she can't think of one thing she liked the most it was just all fun. Thom and I got about a 20 min time for just us while kids watched Nate. Hollie and Lauren ended up pink on their shoulders- no other sunburn injuries . Spent at least another 300.00 today! Dear lord 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Day 1 in Ca

Why on earth would you ever co sleep ! This child nearly pushed me off the bed all night ! It was like he was a heat seeking missile? Then at 5am he was awake patting my face smiling with his very happy smile that made my heart melt but if course I responded with go back to sleep kissed him and shoved him back over to his side and tucked him in. Now we are awake and I feel like I never slept but really enjoy waking up to his happy smile.    

We got to the hotel at 0930 checked our luggage made our plea for early check in and headed over to downtown Disney for shopping and lunch. 

Hollie loves soup - it is her favorite meal dispite it being hot outside. 

Lauren so glad to be watching World Cup and in AC. She complained about being hot in her tank top and shorts while Hollie and I we're wearing long pants and short sleeves .., 

Nate found his new buddy for Disney after telling him no to every toy gun out there. We went back to hotel kids slept for 3 hrs woke at six went out got groceries and dinner. Watched fireworks from the roof- then bed.

Nates first airplane ride. :) he did ok with the fast take off but did not like the elevation changes that made him fee like he was falling. After that he settled in. Favorite thing was to read the safty card that had pics of what to do should bad things happen. Then we colored and talked about the clouds. Had snack and bathroom twice. I would have thought getting up at 0400 all the kids would have slept? Nate finally fell a sleep as we were descending but was quickly awake once the tires hit the ground and brakes applied. We all patiently waited for the people to get off so we could unload the car seat. Come to find out the seat belt release didn't have enough room to open we had to wait for the mechanic who disassembled the seat belt to get the car seat out:( walked off the airplane and all those waiting cheered. 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Lauren's culinary summer

Lauren will be in charge of dinners on the days I work and Mondays. This was her first dinner - pasta with sausage basil garlic ricotta Romano and peas :) 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Junior prom

Lauren asked Nate to prom. She really wanted to go with him but since she friend zoned him I convinced her to ask him. I was very proud that she was able to come up with a plan and of course he said yes ! Theme if the dance was Sail away. Nate has been voted as activities coordinator this will be his second term, he is on soccer team, runs cross country. He has a great sense of humor and Lauren laugh is so genuine with him. 
Lauren got her hair done and ready up in Seattle at Tayas grandmas, They took pics and then went to Spagehtti Factory . The dance was at Seattle aquarium. Lauren said it was beautiful. Stacy, a girl they went with was removed for in appropriate behavior. Lauren favorite dance was the Cupid shuffle. 
After prom they did the Ferris wheel on the Seattle pier. 
Once back in town I went to pick her up. Nate walked her to the car carrying her dress for her and opened the car door:) 

Potty training

This handsome 3 year old has started potty training . We went shopping months ago and got his race car potty. We have been reading books about putting our pee per in the potty. His favorite is Joshua and the potty. 
I went out bought the small toys he picked out but refused to give them to him . We set up our bathroom with the potty and a basket of books , stickers, and bubbles. I hung the toys just above the potty and filled a glass jar with m & m's. Nate gets a toy for pooping in the potty and 2 candies for pee pee. 
Now six days into this we have pooped once a day every day with out pain and no attempt to hold his stool! I can not remember the last time I went five days with out giving some sort of med for constipation. We only have had 3 accidents, two were at the park. He is so proud of himself as well he should be ! I am so proud as well. :) 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Nates party by Nate

Discussing Nate's party as we prepared for Auggie's birthday. He was so animated and talked about what his requests would be.
Green Party hats very first thing he said... not sure where he got the idea of hats we do not wear these at celebrations - king party hats was the clarification. 
Race car party was the type of party he wanted as he makes sound of race cars 
Candles on cake - really wants to blow out candles and was blowing at the same time. 
Meatballs -Nate doesn't even eat these? I may have miss understood what he was saying but when I asked what kind of food do you want it sounded like meatballs
Presents he would like cars, football, animals 
Cars cake the only cake he wants and he wants the design to be mostly King from lighting mcqueen
Friends  he would like to invite he first says "Nathan" he really wanted to make sure he got to come. Then listed Aimie's Kids and Rhodes. Then he said Finn even though we have not seen him in a bit he still speaks of him.

I am thinking for his birthday building a ramp in the back yard, hoping the weather holds. He loves to race cars. I am thinking that as party gifts/activities each child could make or decorate a car to race? 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Snow White performance

Big thanks to Jen from work who invited us to Snow White. We enjoyed the Queen the most as she was so believable. She even stayed in character post performance while taking pictures. She asked Nate what his favorite part of the show was? He replied," the animals" with out missing a beat she rolled her eyes and said, " we'll I supposed they helped free the prince".
Here above and below are Nate with the Skunk, raccoon, Owl, these girls were funny. The dwarfs were also pretty funny. One kid had to intentionally mess up his words. 

Nate and Lauren with Snow White and the prince. Snow White greeted him addressing him as little prince. Oh how little does she know ... He sure is given royal treatment around here 

They were Admiring Nates Lion Tattoo 


The evil queen and Raven 

Myself and Jenn G

Monday, January 27, 2014


I took the girls to Nordstroms make over week and we all got our make up done. I really love the girls make up the best. Although I am always my own worst critic.hollie looked fantastic in her purple eye shadow. I really hope my girls make themselves a priority in life. I told them throughout this experience that they are worth the effort and the time. I want them to always take a good hour to make themselves feel good. A run or trip to the hair salon. Time to paint their nails. I wish I would have modeled this behavior more when they were little. My time was always sacrificed so I could squeeze in one more lesson. I do not want my children to do this for my grand children should I have any.

Love having girls they are just wonderful ! 


Took Nate to see his first movie. I have just switched to a late night shift and needed a low energy activity. Nate sits well for long periods and was able to sit for this movie. He did not like how loud it was and held his ears until the movie began. The movie trailer made it seem that this was a movie about a snowman and reindeer. When actually it was about sisters, overcoming, and importance of love . Nate sat for the movie but this film had some definite slow spots. Lauren and Hollie went to see it awhile ago and Lauren loved it! Regardless Nate has been to his first movie theater and handled tge surround sound decently. I remain to be not much of a cartoon fan .

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Kicking off Thom's 40th

Starting the count down to Thom's 40th with Poker last night at Jon's house. He stayed the night there due to the long drive and today he is going to the Seahawk playoff game. He had a great time got home around 8pm the next day. According to Aimie he and the kids Theo Georgia and Auggie all had a fun pillow fight with Thom until grandma Zbomnie broke it up.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

First week of 2014

I spent the first 3 days of 2014 working long shifts with traumas and very sick kids at the hospital! Came home to a vomiting child Friday night . Gave this child life saving Zofran but during the medication administration got spray with his secretions and felt a drop hit my eye. This has happened once before and I would bet 100% I will be the next to go down. I was wrong. Tonight up at 0300 heard Nate moaning - gave another dose. Then 0500 Lauren in my room saying she had a stomach ache. I ask the child are you nauseated? She denies nausea and says possible cramps. Given our hx I give her some food and water then ibuprofen. Not even 2 seconds later she is vomiting every where. How does this child 16 yrs old not know the difference between nausea and cramps?  Spent the night pulling up the rug (at least it saved the carpet) cleaning the couch, and will be calling the carpet cleaners today. Forgot the best part Lauren loves soccer, she gets done vomiting and immediately with the next breath says I am going to soccer,both games. I say well if you feel that good you can clean up this mess, bleach the whole house, wash all Nates toys and set up the carpet cleaner. I don't know who she thought she was talking to me? telling me what she was going to do. I have half a mind not to give her the life saving zofran but don't want to continue cleaning puke today! Bring on 2014 !