Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Other Milestones

Nate loves to climb on everything. Every time I turn around he has moved a chair, climbed into a window seal, or on top of a box. He loves to sit up on his perch and toss a ball back and forth or just push off toys.

He can also put together simple puzzles, claps when he is pleased with himself. He loves to use squirt toys, scoops and pours water, uses a fork fairly well, spoon not so good. Loves his books, and seems to get humor. We have a book in which a naughty monkey lets all the animals out of the zoo. They follow the zoo keeper to his house and into the bedroom. The lights go out and you just see the wifes large eyes, and the next pic the monkey is grinning in bed next to her. Nathan giggles hysterically at this part. 

Melissa's Baby Shower


The food was balsamic and blue cheese steak, strawberry/blueberry/pecan salad, fruit dip, fondue, pepper/humus, cake.

The cake.

Blessed by friends and family

A friend from Nursing school

My girls acting goofy

trying to influence Nate to act goofy.

Playing with Amelia? or torturing her?

Some of the cousins

Melissa and my kids.

Shower was held on the only day Melissa had available, we work opposite weekends at the same hospital. I was unable to get the day off and obviously couldn't fake and illness. I arranged to take mandatory education in order to get the time off. We planned the shower for late in the afternoon. I had help from a friend to make some of the details and of course my kids and Kris cleaned and started setting up since I had to work until an hour before the event. Everything went pretty smooth considering my work week. Nana picked up the cake for me. We played the Celebrity baby match and guessed how many toliet paper squares around her belly. The clothes pin game where you can not say the word baby was the best. Amelia my sisters daughter did everything she could to get people to say the word baby. She did end up winning the game. I had more fun watching her clever tricks. So two days later I post pics from the event..  :( I forgot to add family to the guest list. So it started out I thought I just didn't have a correct email for kelly but then when I went to check the old evite I did not invite any family. My grandma, mom, melissa, kelly and joanne. Oh and then I had the wrong address for April. So the party I thought went so well turned out to have major flaws. So lesson learned .... don't over commit, dont try so hard to throw a perfect party with out help, don't try to prove to your mom that you have this when you don't, and for heaven sakes do not have two evite contact lists labeled family and friends.

Lauren's Track season

I did not do a good job taking pics this season. Lauren started off competing in the 4x 200, 4x100, 100meter dash, and the 200. I believe she had some valuable life lessons during this season. There was a girl named Mackenna who would go out of her way to make Lauren feel unwelcome. Lauren had to learn to stand up for herself. I do believe that we started learning this task but we do have to master it a bit more. Lauren was affected by this girl and her times started slipping. She would place top 5 for the 100 consistantly but was removed from the 200. She was also taken off the relay team for 4x 200 but finished the season on the 4x 100 in top 3. We also learned that competing with yourself is important for self growth and never to settle on the track or in life. I believe in Lauren's natural athletic ability. She will go far in life and I love her sooo much. Hope she gives track another go.

Melissa Work Baby Shower

Sandy from work threw Melissa a wonderful shower. She served finger foods my favorite was a chicken salad sandwich. We only had to play one game- always makes me happy.

Wish I worked more with these ladies, very nice people.

Saying Goodbye to the baby locks

I wanted to let Nates hair grow for as long as possible. The sides started curling upward and it was so baby soft. The bangs were in his eyes and I couldn't take it. He of course was less than willing to hold still. Distraction techniques used were bubbles, food, dad, and mom.

Stephen was fantastic and patient with Nate.

Shockingly he did not mind the hair dryer. The hardest part was just having to sit.

I was not prepared for how different and more grown up a hair cut would be. Aimie had tried to warn me.. The hair cut took 2 days to get use to.

Nate is a handsome boy, I am pretty in love.

Sheep Shearing Festival 2012

We headed to Bellevue for the Sheep sheering festival with Aimie's family. It was interesting to see how the dogs hearded the sheep. The intimidation of these poor animals by the dogs was not what I expected. I swear one of the dogs was smiling as he cornered the sheep. 
Hollie taking the older two kids around to see the animals. Hollie is so wonderful and patient with the kids.

Theo and Georgia about to head down a steep slide.I was a little nervous for them.

And they willingly went....  :)

Father and Son, I love taking pics of these two.

Nate loves the Roddi horse, smiled and laughed a lot. 

Hunter Family 2012-missing Kate

Our family 2012 spring, Lauren was off with friends.

Theo in heaven on a tractor. I predict he will live on a farm and work in construction of some sort. Thom thinks he will become a mechanic? I think that will be Auggie- he loves appliances/machines.

Nate trying a hand at driving. He is studious and really tries to understand how everything works.

The kids favorite activity digging in the dirt.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Nate's Building towers

4-24-12 Nate can stack and build towers with dad.

My men hard at work.

He has been meeting all his milestones early, very proud.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Laurens Boyfriend

Here is the poster Nate did for Lauren asking her to the 9th grade dance. He is a very nice boy with very involved parents. He wrote Lauren a nice note and gave her a card for their six month anniversary. Lauren of course didn't know or wasn't keeping track of the months! My daughter is not overly wrapped up in bots she has a great balance in her life. We really do appreciate how considerate and thoughtful her first boyfriend has been. This will be a good memory for her.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers day

My last hour of Mothers day. I tried something new this year no presents I asked everyone for a letter with one memory from the year that meant something to them. I plan to keep them in a journal. I realized that it is so difficult to find some meaningful present each year when you have a mom that can pretty much just go buy what they want. I also want my girls to realize that making a memorable moment on a special day is more important than how much money they spend. The girls did a great job and it was interesting to see what they remember from this last year.

I did go to the mall to buy some new clothes with the girls, Thom took Nate. I have dropped some weight and I think the girls are tired of me borrowing their clothes. It was probably not the way I would spend mothers day in the future, but was o.k. The girls were really patient as I went through like a 100 outfits. Then I lost the car keys. We spent an hour looking. blahhhhh.

Backyard BBQ with Mom and family. We brought lobster-yep a little expensive? I am proud that I did refrain from buying an extra mothers day gift when I found out that her basket will not be ready until June 1st. I am trying to be more mindful of the budget we have set.

Hollie's Graduation is fast approaching, praying that she has guidance on the road that lies ahead, for Lauren to be confident in her self and her abilities. I pray that Nathan continues to be blessed with good health and for Thom to get the full time drivers position so he can go back to weekends off.

Goal for the next mothers day is to be supportive and have girls who do their own laundry? :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Finn and Nate at the Zoo

The monkeys were putting on quite the show.

Nate wanted to walk everywhere and spent little time in the stroller.

The boys are 4mos apart with Nate being the oldest.

The monkey came right up to them. They both watched intently and tried to follow as the monkey left.

Cute one of the boys.

Lunch time. Nate is always interested in what Danielle brings. She is very organized and has a variety of interesting foods to offer. Nate got a yogurt, fruit, and puffs.  

Nate likes the little rat like creatures that were running all over.

Likes to push the stroller rather than sit in it, next picture shows him striking a man in the leg.

at the zoo playground

Nate loves to climb.

I just liked this one of nate.

Time for nap.

Breakfast with mom

Breakfast outside with mom was fun but I did not want to eat. I was up out of my chair the entire time. Mom would stab some food on a big kid fork and I would walk around eating it.

Spent a lot of time pointing to the birds and now planes are a big deal. I am hoping he does not want to be a pilot. Prefer the childs feet on the ground. He is such a joy.