Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Finn and Nate at the Zoo

The monkeys were putting on quite the show.

Nate wanted to walk everywhere and spent little time in the stroller.

The boys are 4mos apart with Nate being the oldest.

The monkey came right up to them. They both watched intently and tried to follow as the monkey left.

Cute one of the boys.

Lunch time. Nate is always interested in what Danielle brings. She is very organized and has a variety of interesting foods to offer. Nate got a yogurt, fruit, and puffs.  

Nate likes the little rat like creatures that were running all over.

Likes to push the stroller rather than sit in it, next picture shows him striking a man in the leg.

at the zoo playground

Nate loves to climb.

I just liked this one of nate.

Time for nap.

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